Rescued a lovely abandoned, very hungry puppy then became my adopted one

Rescued a lovely abandoned, very hungry puppy then became my adopted one
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Rescued a lovely abandoned, very hungry puppy then became my adopted one
Donate For Animal :
Hello friends.
We are from the animal rescue team. We have been in the business for many years, specializing in rescuing homeless or abandoned animals. Surely you are also an animal lover when watching this video of us. We’ve all owned a beloved animal, and we all understand the pain of an abandoned animal, now our rescue area is overrun with poor animals. The bad thing about this is that we are currently unable to provide enough or food is in short supply, we hope everyone can do a small part to support the animals in need.
thanks everyone!


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About the Author: Animal rescue house


  1. Donate For Animal :

    We are from the animal rescue team. We have been in the business for many years, specializing in rescuing homeless or abandoned animals. Surely you are also an animal lover when watching this video of us. We've all owned a beloved animal, and we all understand the pain of an abandoned animal, now our rescue area is overrun with poor animals. The bad thing about this is that we are currently unable to provide enough or food is in short supply, we hope everyone can do a small part to support the animals in need

  2. That little puppy is like way too cute I think people shouldn’t throw away their pets just because they think they are really hard to care for

  3. Same scenes in all their videos. Staged..
    No vet, no hospital, no shots, same actors, no rescue clinic. Please don't be fooled into donation. For shame.

  4. Kazde zwierzę potrzebuję pomocy i dobrego traktowania jego naprawdę tego się nie robi oni potrzebuję pomocy miłości i dobrego smacznego jedzenia dla każdego kochanego zwierzęcia psiaka im jest potrzebne kochany dom i ciepły kont do spania dla małego psiaka i ciepłe miejsce do spania naprawde tego się nie robi oni potrzebuję domu kochającego do zwierzęcia i jedzenia dobrego smacznego jedzenia dla każdego kochanego zwierzęcia i bardzo duże serce do małych i miseczka z ciepłym mleczkiem dla nich lub wody dla małego psiaka lub kotka wszystkich małych i bezpieczeństwa dla nich wszystkich małych zwierzat .i kochania jego

  5. Кокое счастье, что есть не равнодушные люди, которые спасают животных, попавших в беду, по больше бы таких чутких людей и дай бог им здоровья

  6. Vous êtes formidable envers tous ces petits chiots merci beaucoup pour eux. J'ai été dans un refuge et j'en ai adoptée deux une Husky de Sibérie et un Bully croisé mais d'une gentillesse avec nous mais lorsque quelqu'un sonne à la porte, je peut vous dire il fait un très grand sourire et en plus il grogne . Il dort avec moi il ne voit que par moi, et la Husky dort dans le lit de mon ami

  7. Tan bello chiquitooo puro amor no entiendo como pueden abandonar los perritos que tristeeee son tan lindo sus patitas dus ojitossd divinoo apollen al joven rrescatitas es un takis heroeeee tu pais orgullosooo de su lavor Dios te amaaaa gracias por cuidar su creacion la vida te lo devolvera con muchoooo amor espero verlo con un albergueee enorme como takis

  8. 🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀This is a copy cat video from their friends ANIMAL house. Seen it. Do you see the way pup looks nervously at camera man. The sound is ALWAYS OFF because you may hear him shout STAY, STAY, the wee pup is afraid and confused by his REAL TORMENTORS They brought him here by bike staged it, look how the puppy runs away, a little bit of freedom, a little slice of life, but unfortunately life ends for them way too soon at the hands of their SAVIOURS. CRIMINALS.


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