US ROAD RAGE COMPILATION 2016 / CRAZY ROAD RAGE FIGHT #6 – Enjoy watching, be careful on the road!
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Ultimate Close Call Compilation 2016
Videos featured in the following compilation are intended for CRITISISM, EDUCATIONAL and JOURNALISTIC purposes.
People are nuts out in this world. Be careful on the road people get shoot for no reason.
There is something very wrong with these morons
Dumbass biker fucking with a car. Got what you deserved.
Why do these women always scream so much good lord let boys be boys
Kill Me Mfer
What I've learned from watching way to many of these videos is how dumb men are. They fact that they get so worked up they want to fight each other or take the time to create more traffic blows my mind.
If someone is going slower than you……..they are a dumbass who can’t drive. If someone is flying past you……they are a fucking lunatic, asshole who you hope the cops will get for speeding.
What the fuck was with that last guy?
At the 5:47 mark; If your stupid enough to pull a gun on a man be smart enough to pull the trigger!
For every two dudes fighting there’s is an obnoxious chick screaming “STAAAAAAHHHPPP”
Wonder what mountain would do with a rager. Just get out and get back in when it leaves.
Every single one of these assholes need to lose their license for the rest of their lives
Jak widać w Stanach Ameryki są takie same pojebusy jak w Rosji.
10:19 probably the funniest road rage video I've seen. Dude was speaking gibberish.
The driver at 7:00 is a fucking pussy. He said, "my shoulder hurts…on a good day I'll fuck you up"
Always thought using a watermark on a compilation is stupid and mean. You use or steal other people's content and slap a watermark to say it's your video when you only own the intro and outro.
Sunt niste betivi
First video: awful dirty disgusting guy, garbage! He sees that the other person is weaker and afrraid and he has this sensation of power and the cruel behavior that belongs to it. But one day, he can meet Evander Holyfield in his car, and then……. !
Notice how the cammer "conveniently" leaves out the first half of the video that would have shown the cause of the trigger?
Embracing their stupidity.
Why do people lose their minds when they see 2 guys fighting? Women start screaming. Beta males honk their horns. WTF…just let them have it out and keep traffic moving.
People suffering from Inferiority and superiority complex while on road. It is all about Ego. Road is there to share, to go from Point A to Point B, nobody’s dad owns it.
Dude in the white 2 door got karmalized.
6:00 just slap I'm with his own the lil bitch
There's 300 million guns owned by numb nuts in USA. C'mon people, use thme!
Bad men drivers…holly shit.
A lot of these pussies can’t fight in these videos
6.00 fucking small dick mercedes driver
I’m not a good enough driver for road rage. I just stay in my lane and just let everyone else be idiots. It’s not safe to get angry like these people are. I might say something to myself but for safety I don’t make a huge scene.
GROW THE HELL UP….Immature idiots
I agree with the guy in the blue shirt. The guy in the truck was a little bitch.
There is the law of gravity, and there is the law of pick-up assholes…?
People get behind the wheel and they become mental cases ! outside the the car most are normal …wtf ?
Maybe a movement should be started to have " dance offs" for ppl that can't control themselves. Because most ppl aren't very good fighters, they aren't as tough as they think
I found the thumbnail it's 11:40. P.s. ("KILL ME")
That thumbnail tho
Lesson number one when learning to drive, learn to fight.
I’m going to end up on one of these. If someone with a large truck does that to me, I’m going to pull out my .22 and shoot out his tires.