Chicago shootout that injured innocent bystander caught on video

Chicago shootout that injured innocent bystander caught on video
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There’s new video of an Avondale shooting in Chicago that injured an innocent bystander in the 3600 block of West Belmont Avenue. #news #chicago


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About the Author: ABC 7 Chicago



    The prison population–down by 45%.

    52% of murders would disappear.

    There would be 39% less gang members.

    Obesity percentage–drop 11%.

    Average IQ would go up 7.4 points, putting us 3rd in the world tied with Japan.

    Average SAT scores–up almost 100 points.

    Average ACT scores–up 5.5 points.

    AIDS & HIV–down by 65%.

    Chlamydia cases–down 54%.

    Gonorrhea–down 69%.

    Syphilis–down 58%.

    The average income–up over $20,000 a year.

    People in poverty– drop 31%.

    Homelessness–down 57%.

    Welfare recipients–down by 42%.

  2. See, they don't care. So when the judge is givin out life sentences like party flyers them don't trip. Jail, in most cases, won't help them tho. However, at least they'll be kept away from the rest of us.

  3. If you notice something this video is a perfect example of the government being big brother, they are trying to brainwash us by showing video and how they can catch perpetrators without doing their jobs and soon they will want cameras everywhere we need to get rid of cameras everywhere and especially out of cops possession since they want to lose it or alter it and then say it's for citizens safety a fucking lie. FJB and the pedophile left.

  4. It looks like Chicago, Illinois is becoming Chicano, Illinois. Flying that Mexican flag high, proudly wearing the Mexican poncho with the colors of the Mexican flag while brazenly participating in trying to kill someone else, in broad daylight, that's also Mexican. Why are you putting innocent lives in danger? And having the nerve to do all of this on someone else's native lands. Why aren't you in Mexico protecting lands over there? I guess not since many people in Mexico are selling those lands out to the highest bidder or letting them go to waste. But what's the outcome? The outcome is an extremely large number of immigrants who decide to cross over into someone else's lands in the U.S. just to have members of that group increasingly become an absolute criminal stain inside of the United States. You Ditched a whole country of yours to go to someone else's land just to do this crap. That's invasive and a mentality of poverty. There are no excuses for it.

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