Wild video shows Marines brawling with civilians on Austin, Texas, street #shorts

Wild video shows Marines brawling with civilians on Austin, Texas, street #shorts
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A group of Marines traded punches with civilians in Austin, Texas’ entertainment district in a wild, caught-on-camera street brawl witnessed by dozens of revelers.

The video, apparently captured Sunday night, showed the melee broke out after a young woman appeared to grab a phone from a Marine and toss it away during a verbal confrontation on Sixth Street.

One young man in a white hoodie then lunges toward a Marine before he’s stopped by others all wearing their dress blue uniforms, the footage shows.

For a few seconds, several Marines jaw back and forth with the young man and a couple of his friends — with a little shoving involved — before the man in the white hoodie appears to throw the first punch.

Chaos ensues as at least a couple of fights between the different groups erupt.

Read more at https://nypost.com/2023/11/20/news/marines-brawl-with-civilians-on-austin-texas-street-wild-video/

#texas #austin #marines

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  1. Afghanistan veteran here, not a marine, but those kids got extremely lucky put it that way. The Marines probably allowed them to initiate the first punches then they knew it was game time. Seriously though who starts fighting with a group of Marines? 😂. Those kids got away with probably minor scratches…. Trust me it could have been very dangerous for them if it really really escalated! These colors don't run!! 🇺🇲💪❤️

  2. These young fools doe's not even know the meaning of respect!!..being a problem to those young men who serve and protect with their live's the very fools that are even allowed to do such disgraceful acts upon those who make it possible by their freedom!!..

  3. I was a bouncer on thst street for several years. There are cops on every corner and even cops on horseback to get through crowds. That being said there are crowds and fights going on everywhere. They're busy. Conditions there have gotten worse with all the black people since the rioting. Shootings and overall crime there are really bad.

  4. Experience this many times when I was in. Some people pick a fight with servicemen because of bad experiences with teying to get into the military or just wanted to prove that they're worthy or something. Either way it always ends bad for the type of person that would pick a fight with people serving their country

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