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About the Author: Herosonlineworldvids


  1. Me personally, at the end of the day, I ain’t taking a ass whooping from someone, unless it’s a parent or guardian. Me fighting Naj, I would be using every fighting move, in a fighting dictionary. 😂

  2. What was the point of the fight? Crew wanted a fight so they got one? No prize money no trophy? Is it just about being as animal as can be?

  3. I’m sorry I believe if u don’t know how to fight just sit down you a punk regardless if u fight or not especially if u have a big mouth and can’t back it up

  4. Hoodbaby just gone get her hands up that's all 🤣💯 ….. Shit she gone keep fighting if she feel disrespected. It's all about respect u got out there win or lose .

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