What A Camera Captured In The Philippines Shocked The Whole World

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Disclosed facts, exotic species, and unbelievable discoveries from the skies to depths…. The alluring land of the Philippines is full of the most incredible mysterious realities that are only one of their kind…
So join us for the most astonishing captures from the Philippines that shocked the whole world

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About the Author: The Squeezed Lemon


  1. hhhh your video is fascinating, try to make it authentic because some of your videos are not from the Philippines.try to make it realistic to make it more SCARY…IT IS MORE FUN IN THE PHILIPPINE🤣🤣🤣

  2. 速速開放外籍護士,沒有其他方法, 護理高層不食人間煙火, 不知基層院所的困難, 不要再霸住不放, 承認其他國家護士執照, 能不能用是我們醫院的事, 你的責任是不要擋進用外籍護士

  3. some of these clips arent in the Philippines my husband is a Filipino and he watched it with me pls stop clickbaiting for views and subscription🙄🤦🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️🙅🏻‍♀️

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