The mother cat had an accident on the road and the kitten's cry for help. A miracle happened

The mother cat had an accident on the road and the kitten's cry for help. A miracle happened
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The mother cat had an accident on the road and the kitten’s cry for help. A miracle happened
Wish you all the best Share this video and help find a new home for a beautiful family ❤️️❤️❤️❤️


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About the Author: Clay World


  1. I have so many questions! Wouldn’t she be blind after not blinking for so long. It looked like neurological and she kept going unconscious. I hope over time she improved. Also putting your fingers all over the IV site pretty unprofessional and infection waiting to happen. All in all I thought she was dead, pretty amazing.

  2. This has made me cry and am very sad. I am extremely proud of this young person carrying mother cat and kittens. May Mighty God take care of them too. AMEN.

  3. Oh please save her. I am a total cat lover & this broke my heart. I think it's the piano music. I cried. Thanks to man who found her. She looked like she didn't have long left

  4. Hola la verdad ojala q todos sean como vos .te felicito x las acciones q haces. No encuentro palabras😢😢😢❤❤❤ para agradecerte xlo q haces. Sos un ÁNGEL PARA ESOS POBRES ANIMALES ❤ .😂😂😂😂❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

  5. This video touch my heart 😢
    The mom cat is so beautiful with her golden eyes ! 🤗❤
    Thank's very very much for saving this so cute and moving animal 👍👍👐👍👍😻😻
    Now, she can take care of her kittens and love them 😸💖💖💖💖

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