Crazy Revenge! 30 Times Mother Gorilla Fights Enemies To Protect Her Baby | Animal Fights

Crazy Revenge! 30 Times Mother Gorilla Fights Enemies To Protect Her Baby | Animal Fights
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Crazy Revenge! 30 Times Mother Gorilla Fights Enemies To Protect Her Baby | Animal Fights

Gorilla fights, like all animal fights, are a brutal and dangerous display of dominance that takes place in the wild.
These vicious encounters between two alpha males can be triggered by a variety of factors, such as competition for mating partners or scarce resources.
Animal fights have been documented throughout history, from the ancient Roman Coliseum to modern-day cockfighting rings.
In the case of gorillas, fights can involve powerful blows from their massive fists, biting and scratching, and even the use of weapons such as sticks and rocks.
In the animal fights, a typical gorilla fight can last for several minutes, with both combatants using their best tactics to emerge victorious.
Despite the violent nature of animal fights, they continue to occur in many parts of the world.
Ultimately, it is important to remember that animal fights are not a natural phenomenon but rather a product of human exploitation and neglect.

00:00 – animal fights
00:25 – gorilla vs leopard
02:35 – cheetah vs baboon
03:26 – leopard vs baboon
04:55 – lion vs gorilla
06:26 – gorilla fight
07:36 – lion fight
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This Video researched by: Miss Everette Hilll
Address: 108 Stracke Prairie Ryanport, TX 60048
Geographic coordinates: 58.113732,-172.047729
Mother’s maiden name: Pollich
Date 1958-10-15
Age 64 years old
The Ddix does not fully own the material compiled in this video. It belongs to individuals or organizations that deserve respect.
We use under: Copyright Disclaimer, Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976. “Fair Use” is permitted for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching. scholarships and research.
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  1. The incredible display of bravery in the recent animal fights by a mother gorilla highlights the natural bond between mothers and their offspring.

  2. The intense animal fights undertaken by the mother gorilla serve as a powerful example of how far animals will go to protect their young.

  3. The recent animal fights featuring a mother gorilla highlight the need for continued efforts to protect endangered species and their habitats.

  4. The bond between a mother and her offspring is universal, as demonstrated by the recent animal fights involving a protective gorilla.

  5. Animal fights, such as those engaged in by the mother gorilla, remind us of the raw power and primal instincts present in all species.

  6. The fierce animal fights witnessed by onlookers show the tenacity and determination of the mother gorilla in defending her baby.

  7. A maioria dos tigres é maior do que os leões e tem uma força de mordida mais forte, mas os leões têm uma densidade óssea mais forte do que os tigres e têm crinas para proteger as mordidas dos tigres. E este leão não estava a ser tão agressivo como realmente poderia ter sido, este tigre obviamente não era tão forte. Mas porquê obrigá-los a lutar? São ambos animais fantásticos

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