হায়েনারা কেন এত নির্মমভাবে শিকারদের মারে Animal Fights Compilation in Bengali

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হায়েনারা কেন এত নির্মমভাবে শিকারদের মারে Animal Fights Compilation in Bengali

Hyenas, or hyaenas, are feliform carnivoran mammals of the family Hyaenidae. With only four extant species, it is the fifth-smallest biological family in the Carnivora and one of the smallest in the class Mammalia. Despite their low diversity, hyenas are unique and vital components of most African ecosystems.
Nile crocodile
The Nile crocodile is a large crocodilian native to freshwater habitats in Africa, where it is present in 26 countries.
African leopard
The African leopard is the nominate subspecies of the leopard, native to many countries in Africa. It is widely distributed in most of sub-Saharan Africa, but the historical range has been fragmented in the course of habitat conversion. Leopards have also been recorded in North Africa as well.
The lion is a large cat of the genus Panthera native to Africa and India. It has a muscular, deep-chested body, short, rounded head, round ears, and a hairy tuft at the end of its tail. It is sexually dimorphic; adult male lions are larger than females and have a prominent mane.
এই ভিডিওতে ব্যবহৃত কিছু ছবি ও ভিডিও ক্লিপস প্রকৃত ব্যক্তি, ঘটনা আর স্থানকে উপস্থাপনা করে না। দৃশ্যের শূণ্যতা পূরণ করার জন্য তা ব্যবহার করা হয়েছে।


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About the Author: Admin