Unbelievable natural disasters caught on tape. Flood in Venezuela

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Unbelievable Natural Disasters Caught on Tape. Flood in Venezuela
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About the Author: Admin


  1. Billion of people will be died in ArmAgedOn, because they WOrship sAtAn D devil, N JEHOVAH GOD father of Jesus, killed thAt people in the world, reAd d proof Jeremiah 25:33, sO, WOrship JEHOVAH God father of Jesus b4 it's 2 late because d end is very neAr

  2. Только жалко животных, а людей совсем не жалко, потому что мы люди стали очень плохими, вот зато это и происходит

  3. My heart and prayers goes out to all who are suffering loss of homes

    and loved ones in these horrific floods my prayers are with you all.

    I pray that you all. are given strength, comfort and peace in the Lord

    Jesus Christ who loves you all. 🙏❤🌹Please if you have not
    got to know the Lord Jesus then please I urge you to do so today
    Seek the Lord while He can be found, Call upon Him while He is near
    ISAIAH 55:6 Believe in the Life, Death & Resurrection of Jesus Christ
    as it is written in 1 CORINTHIANS 15:1-4 Believe in the Gospel of
    Salvation, be born again in Christ and be Saved.

  4. All humans on this planets should be helping each and another's out .but no,they had to had wars going. It is really shameful of bad humans on this earth.

  5. 가을인가 여름인가 기가찹니다 우리모두 탄소배출 줄여야 합니다 요행으로 지나가길 바라시나요 . 곧 겨울 옵니다 무연난로 연기 없습니다 소줌한 임무 감사 드립니다

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