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What language am I speaking? (Eric) | Lineup | Cut
#Cut #Lineup #Challenge
The Russian dude had a really strong non Russian accent though, I speak Russian and I barely understood him
The Urdu guys accent is so bad lmao?
too bad there wasnt any estonian language
I love how when americans hear bad english they just make fun of it, but from looking at the comments, the rest of the world insults people and says theyre pieces of shit for having a bad accent, lmao
The Urdu guy has a terrible accent.
5:58 LMFAO.
Ok the guy speaking “Urdu” is not speaking •Urdu”. He’s speaking broken Hindi with an accent.
-Как дела?!!!
His Russian wasn't the best, but good tryyyyyy! It is REALLY hard to learn Russian so good job.
I knew immediately she's from mongolia because it sounds very turkic
Love the video…but isn’t this just a cut from a previous vid?
As a translator myself, I was surprised that he didn't lead off with his working language, Chinese… I'm sitting here wondering how he's going to translate when he can only barely speak any of the languages he listing off.
Isn't this video a reupload? Cause I've seen this video already.. Lime many months before xd..
As of that I am Dutch, he insulted us very badly!
You can see the woman who spoke hebrew isn't her first language by the way she said "hathat zevel" . It's "hatihat zevel" lol
The worst Urdu I have ever heard. ?
Razumijes li ovo?
The hell was that urdu?
Americans are so awkward not using body language or touching
Shirley: You piece of trash.
why a reupload?
This is a reupload, right?
2nd, 1st guy.
I feel like I've seen this video before ?
To the russian speaker: for you information, if you drank lots of beer you would be considered Czech not Russian
To the russian speaker: for you information, if you drank lots of beer you would be considered Czech not Russian
that urdu/hindi accent was so horrible like bruhh where tf did yall got these people??
he looks like my 8th grade science teacher that made kids cry
Is This A Repost
He looks like the governor from twd?
This is a re upload. Why?
The moment he say cyka, ahh russian
dude i know german, chinese, french, english and russian. i also know hebrew only because of i had a bat mitzvah lmao
As a dutch person, i feel offended. The amount of blond, blue-eyed people is like 5% lol
Mr. Worldwide.
The Congolese girl is soooo beautiful
I like how he's trying not to sound racist while describing the black guy XDDD
in the Philippines this is actually a curse word 3:10
1:24 "I know, everyone thinks I look Korean, so…"
it was nice to hear Mongolian tho??
The hebrew one said 3 words and pronunced it wrong cmon??
I lost it at "What's wrong with you?"
ngl I thought it was Simlish at 6:53
I couldn't even understand the person speaking Urdu. The accent was simply horrible.
Guy speaking Urdu is horrible at it. ?
He sounds like david in friends
From minsk
why did they repost this video without yana
Like wtf bc that one girl that spoke Hebrew not to be judgy she said “hathat sevel” and it’s pronounced “hati hat sevel” ? Hebrew thangz ?