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About the Author: Admin


  1. Its called survival of the fittest. The strongest members of the species get to reproduce and pass on their genes, ensuring the survival of the species.

  2. Why the hell you showing the quote at the end of video… bcoz you don't know why bull's fighting…btw I'm kind towards bull's ?

  3. All animals have to work out a pecking order. When males fight for dominance it insures that the best genes are passed on to the next generation. If this instinct to fight for dominance did not exist, all species would be weak or die out quickly. This instinct exists in humans too, for example most women are attracted to strong, fit, and confident men over weak and insecure men. If we were to revert back to our primitive times, wouldn't you want to be paired up with a partner that could defend you? It can be hard to understand why animals do this from from our point of view that exercises morals and emotions, but keep in mind that animals do not have morals, but instead an instinct to survive and produce the best offspring.

  4. The strongest bulls take the lead. Like third world countries. The one at the top gets the breeding rights, food, and everything. The more power gets resources.

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