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Hong Kong Street Food Tour! We went to try as much Street Food in Hong Kong as we could! I ate a ton of local street food snacks and loved all of them (almost all). I’ve been eating the best street food in China for years, but finally decided to come to Hong Kong to eat!
We ate at a few special places in this video:
1) Lin Heung Lou Teahouse
2) 車仔麵之家
3) Kams Roast Goose
4) Sham Shui Po Da Pai Dong back alleyway street experience!
For the food map of hong kong, visit here:
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My name is Trevor James and I’m a hungry traveler and Mandarin learner that’s currently living in Chengdu, Szechuan, China, eating up as much delicious .
I enjoy tasting and documenting as many dishes as I can and I’m going to make videos for YOU along the way! Over the next few years, I’m going to travel around the world and document as much food as I can for you! I love delicious food! This channel will show you real Chinese food and real local food, not that stuff they serve in the Buzzfeed challenge.
Thanks for watching, and please feel free to leave a comment, suggestion, or critique in the comments below!
Please make sure to subscribe, it’s the best way to keep my videos in your feed, and give me a thumbs up too if you liked this food video, thanks, I appreciate it! You could also share the video too if you liked it, that would be awesome.
Love the music I use? Get a FREE month from me to you! I’m using this library for a few months now (since July 2017) and LOVE it.
► My Food Blog:
We made our way to Hong Kong after our great Silk Road journey, just to eat! And we just upgraded to 4k! Hope you enjoy the new video! Our new camera is a little difficult to focus compared to the old Canon 70d so we are still learning, but I think we still did a so-so job, let us know below, I would love to hear from you. And thank you so much for watching our food and travel videos! You can follow our Instagram for behind the scenes updates:
I agree . Dim sum is more a tradition rather than a blow away meal . It’s like a Sunday roast . Won’t blow you away but leaves you with a feeling of comfort and satisfaction. We are from the uk , London so we have both weekly
Kams Roast Goose Really ? I was there in April 2019 and that was the uglyest dinner ever. Fat and slimy duck. Its like a fast food restaurant with bad food. And can anyone tell me were it got the Michelin Star for ? For what ?
I love your enthusiasm buddy. I'm going to HK again soon and it would be fun to go to this restaurant. Can I ask where it is?
Your clips your tour is awesome
Like the Cantonese food from Hong Kong looks delicious 🙂
Do you guys eat all of the food or throw half of it out?
The name of the last place is called – Oi Man Sang, it's one of the most popular Dai Pai Dong in Hong Kong
Cantones هونغ كونغ
Hallo hongkong ☺☺☺..
The Food Ranger can speak little bit Cantonese and Mandarin. Maybe that's the reason why he dares to eat exotic Chinese food. Any American would show disgusted faces when trying anything other than steak and chicken! Ooooh, century egg! No Westerner I know say century egg is delicious. Dude, you are not normal!!
Thanks for doing honest reviews as opposed to talking up every place.
Very good video
Aww Ting is so sweet <33
$78HKG …you've been ripped off…should be around $38HKD
That tea house isnt cha chan tang….
Mmmmmmm…… it just melts in your mouth!!!
But keeps on chewing. Fckin faker.
They are getting you nice and brainwashed for their one world currency through computers which means if they choose to they can take your money without your permission and there will be nothing you can do about it . not your video but the promo at the beginning about you being anal to get money from your work check without the actual check . wow man Satan's physical seed is constantly at work to bring in this new world order
Hi there this is prakash gurung I'm your big fan when you come USA please come our place to you definitely find new test and many option dishes.
You'd eat anything… Good for you! I wouldn't dare to try most of that stuff!
Getting rip off constantly. Ohhhh very good…. very good….
Chinese food are best
Very nice he eats all ?
Wow..the dim sum place was expensive .. glad that Trevor is not queasy or choosy abt food. The second place looks yummy. I like how he puts the verdict at the bottom of each meal. Any place with a que is worth trying
i am from hong kong
I like u r video and i love food because iam professional chef
foodranger going YUM CHA
This video should be removed for being pornographic!
It must be so fun to be able to connect with people who don't expect it.
Hello, i enjoyed your video. 🙂 by the way, what month was this? Thank you
I LOVE the Food Ranger, but would really like to see Ting featured in some videos; maybe a video of her doing a food tour?
I regret watching this. I love noodles and just realized that I can’t get that monster seafood/organ noodle bowl in the US
shabatttttostart with
What a boring twat , whtf xxx
In Hong Kong food is expensive …
How do you eat so much and still stay relatively skinny??!?!
WARNING : if u arent supposed to eat very soon, dont watch this.
why don't u try to promote ur own country foods??
2019年2月5日蘋果日報報道Quote【本報訊】有92年歷史、標榜懷舊味道的粵式茶樓「蓮香樓」再傳結業,更指60多名蓮香老員工已被遣散。上周一蓮香樓如往年一樣為員工安排團年飯,一眾員工聚首舉杯暢飲,心情卻是無比沉重,因他們都知道天下無不散之筵席,這一夜,是蓮香樓原班人馬的最後團年飯。昨日年三十,一眾員工照常開工,今日起蓮香樓「收爐」三天,對結業傳聞,蓮香樓公關回覆《蘋果》指,「中環蓮香樓暫時營運至2月底,之後休業整頓,未來或會再與茶客會面」。Unquote 如果真的結業、這段片就變得珍貴!
Lol! Trevour, where do you find the room to consume so much food? Great video and really enjoying the show.
ewww this is just disgusting!!! eating pig blood? omg parasites much!!!!!
The skin of the bird is supposed to be glistening in a light sauce glaze and extremely crispy. You can enjoy the very BEST roasted ducks in Hong Kong at the iconic Yung Kee Restaurant ( ). In my opinion, no other restaurants in Hong Kong that serve the dish come even close in quality, perfection, and taste.
All that food looks very good
Beautiful ting!!! Good to see you! ?
Try this trip!