Pigs at the wheel! Do not throw garbage on the road! – Enjoy watching, be careful on the road!
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#cctube #car #roadrage #drive
Plenty of pigs everywhere!
To me the best returned trash video had the dripped trash super glued to the top of the car
people that do this are low life pigs
If they were pigs wouldn’t eat eat the garbage?
Humans are assholes. Destroying their own environment. There’s no higher level of ignorance and stupidity.
0:42 music please
Maldita gente puerca.
Reminds me of 2002 Portland, back when they allowed bicycles in the train and bus lanes. 11th and Morrison, I'm lined up at a red light in the train lane, dude drops a cigarette butt out his car window in the right lane during the dry urban fire season, I lean the bike over in the train lane, pick it up and toss it back through the window, "You dropped this!"
zigarette buds are about the only thing i can understand to get thrown out of the car, mayby compostables if you throw it on the green in a countryside but thats about it
I see a lot of this here in America. And people is becoming worse because they say it's your job. That's why you get pay for it. And I think maybe this is how your parents educate you to be at your house.
People have no respect for where they live. Hell, people don't have any respect for themselves.. look at the shit people eat. Mcdonalds, etc
I couldn't watch the whole show… I started getting so cross.
disgusting humans. No respect whatsoever.
Ok mommy.
God, sjws.
Shame to be Russian ((((
Who care
Thanks to pigs like this we live in such a s***hole, like plastics in the see, because they do not care, what is left behind them, literally.
What I hate is people smoking in their cars and throwing their cigarette butts out directly into my car.
i have had people tell me that places like germany the streets are immaculate because those people don't litter americans are slobs!!! and you know who you are. if could find out where these people lived i would trash there lawn with lots of junk furniture and other garbage and then turn them into code compliance
Где живем, там и срем. Надо таких на всеобщее обозрение. А вообще, так сложно положить справа в ноги и в ближайшую мусорку выкинуть?
I don't understand why these people don't throw themselves out the car? They are trash..
Search their car number to find their name. Search name to find their pictures. Post pictures and name with the video.
why don't people send these clips to police? maybe in russia they are like vodka bljat and don't care, but in UK police would give you a fine for littering. So if you live in civilized country, send the clip to police and get them a nice fine. I HATE people who throw their rubbish out of cars like that .. really annoying!
This little trick of throwing the garbage back in the car it came from obviously doesn't work, since the dickheads just throw it back out as they're driving away. The secret is to grab a handful of dirt along with the garbage before returning it. "Oh, I guess it was stuck to your litter."
huge THANKS to all of those who stop, pick it up and return it to the pigs <3 I have no idea why any of them would get upset to get their discarded property back, it does belong to them (to dispose of properly). =)
1:52 Paul McCartney?
пиздить автомусорщиков
胸糞 外国もマナーの悪いドライバー居ますね 日本にも居るけど
[Czech] Neurážejte prasata (zvířata)! Pro své maso jsou užitečnější než tito lidé (nebo co vlastně jsou zač…)!
Ain't atheism and "Democracy"©® great?
Actual pigs are good for something. Not these cretins. Don't give a fuck about anyone but themselves. It should be legal to shoot them.
Les déchets à la POUBELLE ! ?
Чмошники позорные
Nice. Runing past a trash can 50 times a day, but have to throw their shit out of the car window, even on a highway. F@cking retards.
Listen you bunch of garbage. Throw in the freaking trash can @ bin. Next time don't eat or drink if you don't want any of it inside your car or better don't breed at all. YOU ARE ALL AN A-HOLES!
I cannot comprehend these type of people I've challenged them before and their attitude is 'who cares' and if I was to shove the litter down their throats I'd be the bad guy!
My god, when I'm king of the world, these will be the first people up against the wall. No respect.
A lot of pigs
3:26 I would have shoved the can up his exhaust pipe.
и вот как с такими быть? Полиция за каждым бегать не может, а в рожу дашь такому, так сам потом можешь сесть. А все эти слова и угрозы для этих свиней как слону дробина.
We should have laws stating that if you catch someone littering on camera, bring that to the police and they an issue a fine. So many offenses and you go to jail for a few days
Потом говорят что Россия свинарник.
Exterminate these people. They can't possibly be productive members of society.
I've been at red lights before where the driver would open their door and just leave a whole pile trash on the street and drive off. People's actions reflect their personality.
The big danger is to motorcyclists.
I see Russias doing their part lol.
These people should be emptied of a full garbage bin in their living room – old dirty pigs !!!
Good to know there are more people who are as disgusted with these pigs than just me.