![CLIMBING GONE WRONG fails vol.2 [FailForceOne]](https://www.theviralist.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/CLIMBING-GONE-WRONG-fails-vol.2-FailForceOne.jpg)
Compilation of climbing, rock climbing, ice climbing fails and close calls. Don’t forget to drop a like and subscribe. http://bit.ly/2m2Gsfl
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Compilation of climbing, rock climbing, ice climbing fails and close calls. Don’t forget to drop a like and subscribe. http://bit.ly/2m2Gsfl
I’m on facebook https://www.facebook.com/FailForceOne/
Check out my 2nd channel TheSmartest
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Insufficient thought on belays, belays gone wrong and finally no helmet? Helmets are to protect on rockfalls as well as your head hitting hard rock…
I think it shows how things can go wrong and when you go to some of the limits these people do then you are on the edge of this life and the afterlife…
Helmets now weigh very little. Wear one!
No helmets…? …Darwing calling…
the great majority of belayers are poor or very poor. more careful partners would have avoided many risky "fails".
I love all the village idiots climbing without helmets. The word moron comes to mind.
None of these fucktards are wearing a helmet. Idiots
Humans, fuckin dopey cunts!!
Bruh i think that first guy died
Did he died
You all are cray cray
Climbing gone wrong? hardly. this is what can and does happen when you climb.
0:54 Bad belaying technique
Get rid of the ropes, we need more Darwin
Ill stick with top rope and rock gyms thx
It seems after watching these videos saying "come on, come on, you got it" is the worst advice to give to your climbing partner…probably should say "only if you got it, if not I got you" ….makes me not want to climb with a partner, hard to watch. yikes!!!
0:55 World's worst belayer
At some point I needed to grab my helmet to feel save again.
helmet plz!
Almost certain that second video is of LRC (Little Rock City- Chattanooga, TN), a bouldering field I manage. Never seen this clip. Nice.
Some of these belayers deserve a kick in the nuts wtf. Pay attention people.
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I'm gonna take take the hiking trail, see you guys at the top
Won't find no black man trying this.
That first belayer wasn’t even tide down to a near by tree and didn’t have the slack all the way in
I've always thought it's pretty amazing how that gear holds when they fall.
Farted at 0:59?
Shitty belaying and novices with no helmets
00:56 if you ever wanted to hear a head smack into rock at VERY fast speed… well there's your chance. This is why you wear a fucking helmet. But then if you're stupid enough to take up rock climbing as a hobby, it's no surprise that you wouldn't wear a helmet while doing so.
Put mouse at 0:56 and click over and over.
0:56 what the fuck! youre suppose to catch them!
Sorry, but I like seeing rock climbers eating their shit. They are the captains of their own destiny and many are cocky fuckers, who when they get owned by their own stupidity.. I find it funny.
3:35 I’m guessing if you are gasping for air, you are doing this wrong.
If Mc Tavish never came to hold your hand. 1:20
Could not make it past the second minute.