Howl Of A Dog Rescue was contacted to save newborn orphan puppies found abandoned on side of a country road. Baby animals crying, apparently in distress, coming from the tall grass on side of a country road were heard by a local who alerted Howl Of A Dog. At first, we thought that maybe some wild animal or stray dog or cat had given birth there. We didn’t expect to find newly born puppies abandoned in such a cruel way. It turned out to be one of the most heartbreaking cases of animal cruelty we have dealt with: there were several puppies dumped in a bag and simply left there to die. It was a rainy and very chilly autumn morning and their bodies were so cold that it was a miracle their little hearts were still beating
Two of the puppies were out, near the bag, we placed them safe aside and hurried to check the content of the bag and take out the ones that were still inside.
The puppies were newly born and still had their umbilical cords attached.
We inspected the area carefully to make sure there were no other puppies, and found another one trapped in the grass.
Sadly, things have taken an even more tragic turn. Four of the rescued puppies passed away shortly after we arrived at the center.
But the three surviving puppies – Lizzie, Taz and Bernie – have made an amazing recovery, growing into healthy playful pups. They are 5 months old, fully vaccinated and microchipped.
They need now their own loving homes, if you’d like to make any of them a part of your family, please visit https://www.HowlOfADog.org or send us an email on contact@howlofadog.org . The puppies are in our care in Romania, but for anyone abroad who would like to adopt them please note that we also facilitate international adoptions (www.howlofadog.org/adoption-procedure/).
Thank you!
Update: one of the puppies, Bernie, was adopted, here is him at his forever home: https://youtu.be/e4AgmrJFzFM
Abandon is animal cruelty! Don’t throw life away. Spay & Neuter your pets.
Music CC by “zero-project” (00:00 – 04:40)
Watch also: Rescue Of Scared Lonely Dog Whose Heart Was Crying For Help – https://youtu.be/TRhXQ4OMGPY
Howl Of A Dog is a small nonprofit animal rescue organization located in Romania. Our commitment is to rescue abandoned, neglected and abused dogs from the streets or from local kill-shelters and to find them suitable loving forever homes. For more details please visit our website: https://www.HowlOfADog.org/ or our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/HowlOfADog
Thank you!
HOWL OF A DOG organization
Registration Number 33570458
Email: contact@howlofadog.org
Website: https://www.howlofadog.org
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HowlOfADog
Twitter: https://twitter.com/HowlOfADog
Please consider making a small donation here: https://www.howlofadog.org/make-a-donation/ . It’s winter and freezing outside, without help many stray dogs living on the streets will not survive the cold winter. Please help us save them. Thank you so much! HowlOfADog.org
How could any human being do this,I’m appalled ,I hope something very traumatic happens in their lives,people who mistreat animals should go to prison and be fined ,the moneyshould be given to animal rescue that’s the only thing that will help stop this abuse,lovely to see the dogs happy in the end ?????????❤️?
Who tf did that. Ok i say if u need to throw them urgent take them in a box and place on a good place fucker.
Who ever left these puppy's here needs to be killed
How could some1 do this?
Лабродор с питбулем-похоже на помесь.
One of the most heartbreaking thing I ever saw…I nearly faint and vom.t by shock.(please excuse my reaction) …
…How can anybody be insensitive and inhumane to do these kind of things…Hopefully the pups have been rescued and well. Thumbs-Up for the rescuers!!!
It’s sad because someone anbanded them
That is the sad thing I ever saw
R.I. p
WHAT do u feed Theai??? Her coat glistens!!!!
The puppies mother will look for them whre are there ? human being mind s so dengerious… the dog owner should get the same wht he or she did for animals
Increíble!!! Porque tanta maldad en algunas personas. Hay que cuidar la naturaleza y respetarla. Me emocione mucho. Amo los animales! ❤
Amazing ?!! They r all so adorable and how people can be so damn cruel and heartless is still beyond me. Thank you for all y’all do to help them all out. It’s not easy I know and if I had money right now I’d donate . But all I have right now is my thoughts and prayers
Not puppy just like a cow
pero gracias a Dios, tambien hay gente buena!!!
a veces los humanos nos comportamos como las basuras del mundo lo peor de la Naturaleza, y despues nos quejamos cuando Dios se enoja y nos manda teremotos catastrofes, u o pestes, bien merecidos los tenemos a todos los castigos!!!
جزاك الله خيرا
WTH is going on in Romania??!! Bless you guys that are saving these pups❤️
Que mierda es la gente loco.
Thank you for saving them ???
The real hero hats ofuuu?????
Who the devil's do thzzzzzz…..realy painful oh god. ……..tears with my eyes
I hate these cruel cowards with a vengeance I hope they rot in hell poor little babies R.I.P little ones I feel heart broke ???
These dogs no so sad we should do something to that people they don't have any heart
So sad ? May the 4 puppies rest in piece
I like your work I'm sure every puppy gets happy 🙂
I believe the person who called Is who left it there, that place looked like middle of nowhere
Awwwwww they are sooo cute,I cried so much,are they for sale,how much are they
Is it my dog first Tommy I am telling really
Deus seja louvado por esses bichinhos lindos q foram resgatados tadinha da maezinha deles!
Any bullshit person has packed them n throne them to die…lots of curses…
Plss give me the one
What a wonderful careing persons who love and care for all animals god bless you all
I live in Germany & all my neighbors dogs adopted their dogs from the Romanian streets.
OMG so ?less!
A growing hope for paws…….and in future you will do more than this.god bless all of you??
Good thing the local happened upon the little pups,good fortune awaits all involved in the rescue ?? /
These puppies who just passed away rip small babies may god make you a happy human beings next lifetime and teach those who left you a big lesson and so sad to these who died cause of maltreatment and starvation as ababy who needs mothers milk at that time am a boy i Love doggy very much as i do to myself
People are demon in earth how sad may god bless the man who rescued these small human best friend
Santa hahaha?☺
Aww adorable it’s like then and now that’s so cute they always stick up for each other and play with each other
Thanks guys i my dream is i want to kill those bastard people who do this