Best Vietnamese Street Food on Bui Vien Street! → https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UAUlA1pxQHM
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About This Episode:
Today I’m back in the Hoi An Night Market trying out a Vietnamese classic, Banh Trang Nuong. This is also known as Vietnamese Pizza and can be eaten open faced or like I’m having it today, folded up like a quesadilla.
Learn more about the restaurant Banh Trang Nuong C002
About Sonny Side:
I’m not sponsored. I’m not rich. I’m just some guy who wanted to make the type of travel videos that I would want to see. This show is completely self-funded so thanks for patiently watching that five second advertisement (and read below how you can support this channel).
I am a video director by trade. Each time I travel to a new country I bring a cameraman with me, usually a friend, to shoot as many episodes as possible in a short amount of time (usually a week). The rest of the time I’m working as a video director/videographer in Vietnam and editing the crap out of these videos.
Much love and remember, Don’t Think, Just Chew.
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Patreon is a platform that allows people to support creators on a recurring basis. Your contribution is an investment in creative freedom. Your generous donation will allow me the time and resources to create more videos for you. → https://www.patreon.com/BestEverFoodReviewShow
If you see any factual food errors in my video, please feel free to politely let me know in the comments.
I’m a huge fan of trying different, interesting and strange foods in each country. My show is from a Western point of view, but more importantly MY point of view, but is not meant to offend any person or culture.
Funny ?
That vendors sign says Looking for free, no pressure, no pushing, take easy, be happy? What's free? He wants your fuckn money. Plus, he literally physically PUSHED Sonny to his stall! And he basically pressured him into buying something. WTF?
yup go by stand and drive that crazy!!
Hah he said “nứng” :^v
Hahaha… can't stop laughing!!
Two comment system!!!
I’ve watched about… 50 videos in the last two weeks and I don’t think I’ve ever heard him call shrimp just shrimp lol. I LOVE when he calls it “shrimpies”. ?
This is the special pizza in VietNam.
Love the vid tho
Funny ?❤??
Two commets
I leave
"Is this all your junk"
Did anyone else see the nazi sign lmao
That store owner… So funny ?
You should try this in Da Lat at night, I'm sure it's a perfect place to eat "Bánh tráng nướng", cool temperature with a cup of hot soya milk. Awesome <3
Looks nummers
That vietnamese guy needs to do a guest appearance on a food tour. He is a character
Hahahaa! You said "banh trang nung" which means "banh trang horny" Pronunciation is key in Vietnamese language ???
how the f* hell did i end up her when searching "vegan" ???
#your my real good luck charm
Ok i,am in việt nam
The guy at the end of this is a trip and I have been there but in a negative way as I wrote a poem and was banned for life at the Jewish Museum of Maryland. Well to be honest it was because I wrote a poem. My experience that day was cross between Jesus Christ Superstar and Godspell with me on their back fence. Got rejected by Baltimore's homicide unit (vaguely related) because I was still alive.
Between the Museum and my bus stop was Baltimore's Holocaust Memorial and there was this Johns Hopkins Jewish professor that wanted me to look at the artwork of melted people into the world's globe. I told him, "No way! My father was banned from the Mitchell Courthouse because they wanted him to get fired for not being able to do his job."
"Why?!" He cared enough to try to help out Baltimore… And I just got banned from the Jewish Museum of Maryland."
"No way?! Why?"
"I wrote a poem!"
He wanted to know if it was dirty, so I showed him. He declared it the best poem he ever read, but noticed I had more and wanted to see them. Just like with the museum I got into a fight with him, because of the notes, I had to be a professor myself. "You have to be a professor, because of all of the notes!"
I mentioned to him I was self educated above the level of any professor with a degree. The idea that I would spend the time I did without any paper to in my opinion to wipe my A with, scared the crap out of him. He told me he needed a call so I had to lead him to the only pay phone I knew existed as I always asses my own security. Hey, no crew with me! I am a one man deal.
I returned back to the memorial was a black man being helped out by a woman with good will. I took a few pictures, yet a professional trained photographer to boot. After that event was over, I approached him and asked to take a couple of photos of him and he agreed.
I paid him as well, and mentioned what happened and that I am writing my biography. He grabbed me, but not in a bad way and told me he wants his name mentioned in it. He was from Africa and told me his story, and made me promise to mention his name as he just wanted one person to mention it.
At that time I was writing in real life and I could have done it to get the portion of that money back, but to me that would have been robbery. While this guy got it, the Jewish Museum of Maryland rubbed my face in it as they returned the check I paid to become a member. They blamed my behavior, so I sent a link that would be the most read from that biography, I was banned from that museum not only for writing the poem, "But because you are weird, we don't like you and you scare us."
Believe it or not, they were to be the first museum in Baltimore to support, but they saved me thousands of dollars as I was planning another poetic work that would have been a book espouse Baltimore's museums and with my pay check and bonus, planed to member up with half of them.
I ditched my poetic effort, as Baltimore is a very violent place and it wasn't worth me risking my life trying to get people interested in them and risking their lives to see if I was right.
I love you including the last guy in the video because he too is a great soul trying to do his best to survive. Let's put it this way, the problem that museum cost me, forget about food as for the next two weeks, it was one pack of Nissan Ramen, a hot dog and some dubious vitamins my sister gave me. Both are and good people somehow live on!
Loved the ending of this video. Thank you for the smiles Sonny. Keep rubbing that Buddha.
??????? rip grandma
Sonny, I love every single video I've seen you made. Thanks for the joy!
I love this guy????
This is known as “Vietnam Pizza” but I think it’s much different. It just takes 3 minutes for a sidewalk eatery to prepare a Grilled Rice Paper. Really recommend you guys to try this when you come to Vietnam, especially Dalat?-> see more address to come there
oh….cheap egg martabak.
Best ever advertising review show ?
That guy who obviously learned to speak English from TV is hilarious ???????