Stupid DODGE Drivers – Dodge Fails and Road Rage – Enjoy watching, be careful on the road!
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#cctube #car #roadrage #drive
Dodge and their motto what you can't dodge you ram and you die 2 star rating in crashes lol pice of shit fiat.
Dodge/Ram drivers, forever challenging BMW drivers for the douchiest drivers championship belt.
1:40 you a faggot, just let him go. Why tf you gotta beef him. He’s clearly going around you. You were obviously being a cunt. Let’s see more footage from beforehand you pussy
Guy driving the green car at 3:35 – go suck a fuckin dick. You see he’s coming in from miles away slow tf down bitch nigga
@7:10 That is a win for the Dodge not a fail. The Dodge successfully destroyed a left-lane driving idiot. The only thing that would have made this clip better is if the left-lane idiot overreacted and drove his Jeep into the median divider.
@5:30 That is not a Dodge fail. The other car ran the red light and hit the Dodge.
the Pontiac transam drivers are now dodge ram drivers
So why is it every time I spot a Dodge truck, they almost never fail to drive like a complete ass. Any thoughts?
I think I’d have followed that blue charger home and beat the piss out him
It's pathetic how many people don't stop after being complete retards at fault like wtf.
Once behind the wheel of a Ram truck, even a normal blue collar jackass will become a seething road-rage meth binge, trump supporting cousin fuckin demonic redneck…..Next time you see an asshole on the road, chances are it is a dodge/ram pickup
Can't be too bright to begin with driving a dodge, some of the worst vehicles sold in north America, statistics don't lie!
I say at 315 the gold pickup is Toyota. Lol.
0:45 ? the accent switch
This is satisfying I hate dodge ram drivers
1:01 who knew a charger can turn into a mustang
Dodge owners have two BIG problems which are both SMALL: Brains and dicks.
Road ragers should be gelded and their hands lopped off so they cant reproduce or pose a threat.
I like the guy at 4:57 in the silver truck, showing you his I.Q. number!
Такие уебки пендосские…
10:00 good tune!
Typical Dodge drivers especially the guys in the Dodge Ram trucks they're all morons
DODGE – Dude On Dude Gay Experimentation
Never turn through a line of cars.
10:05 ??
U gotta admit 6:24 was kinda lit
Any man that drives a dodge is just trying to make up for his tiny pee pee.
I'm probably thinking about owning a Challenger and I'm not gonna go expert-mode with it.
1:27 Both those losers belong in jail.
Shit for brain's coming at you.
Why are people so stupid.
Fuck you man it’s better than your Miata. Dodge is a great brand also Chevy is good too
And nothing of value was lost
To all on this page can kiss my ass fuck all bitchs are stupid that's a fact
Ima guess Chevy and Ford are next? Cuz they are all stupid!
Most "car guys" are low performance drivers.
3:03 is a Toyota. It doesn't even look like a Dodge
Stupid 'Doge' Driver
'Jesus fuckin crist'. That was serious american aforism. Cool. I got it.
I'm not a mopar fan.. but I think mustang drivers take the cake on this…
Dodge means to avoid.