【旺仔🐶WangZai】以为我们在逗狗子玩,没想到被狗摆了一道I thought we were playing with him, but the dog made a fool of us.

【旺仔🐶WangZai】以为我们在逗狗子玩,没想到被狗摆了一道I thought we were playing with him, but the dog made a fool of us.

#萌寵 #拉布拉多 #labradorpuppy #doglover #Labrador #labradorpuppy 大家好,這裡是「拉布拉多旺仔」的YouTube頻道~ 我會不定時在這裡分享我家毛孩子的生活日常~ 喜歡拉布拉多犬的小夥伴可以訂閱一下我呦~ Hello everyone, this is the YouTube channel of “Labrador Wangzai”~ I will share the daily life of my furry child here~ You can... Read more »