Iowa Woman Fights to Keep Emotional Support Goose

Iowa Woman Fights to Keep Emotional Support Goose
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An Iowa woman is fighting to get to keep her pet in town, but Angel Queener tells KCCI that Blue the goose is not just a pet. He provides valuable emotional support for many ailments she suffers from, including drug addiction. Queener says she got Blue 14 months ago when he was just a gosling. However, the city of Chariton’s municipal code reportedly prohibits geese. The thought of having to part with Blue makes Queener emotional. Inside Edition Digital’s Mara Montalbano has more.


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About the Author: Admin


  1. I have a hard time with the birds outside my window in morning while im trying to sleep.. NOBODY wants to hear that goose screeching in the morning 😂

  2. Let this woman have her pet. Not everyone knows how animals you have bonded with, helps you mentally and emotionally.
    Im going through it with my eldest daughter right now. She has been chronically ill for 10 years, missed most of her 20s/ early 30s. Lost all of her friends and gave up on the medical profession. All she believes she has, is Bella, our/her now 15 year old puggle with kidney failure. The dog is literally all she feels she has to live for. She and i have not been getting along well for years, but i am terrified i will lose her. So please have a heart. From Canada.

  3. Research has shown that simply petting a beloved pet lowers the stress hormone Cortisol and INCREASES levels of the feel-good hormone oxytocin ( the same hormone that bonds mother's to babies). So with that said everyone needs to take a break and pet a fur baby and get your dose of daily happy hormones. 😘😘😘

  4. I know this lady and she is a very sweet lady. And she's come a long way to the top. And has done a fantastic job. No need for rude comments. Because this lady deserves to have her goose.

  5. This has to end. What if I want to designate a king cobra as my emotional support animal to help me not be a junkie? People really need to grow up.

  6. As a recovering addict AND someone who has every mental disorder this sweet lady listed that she has as well, LET HER KEEP THAT GOOSE! I have cats and they literally do the same exact thing for me so I know exactly where she's coming from!! Prayers!! 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

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