Feral Cat Turns Into The Best Foster Brother To Kittens | The Dodo

Feral Cat Turns Into The Best Foster Brother To Kittens | The Dodo
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After @katiecats1 rescued Tom-Tom the stray, he wouldn’t even let her near him.

Our producer Monica talked to Katie about the moment he finally let his guard down.

And watch him turn into a mush who snuggles with foster kittens! 🥹


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About the Author: The Dodo


  1. I'm so Sorry, I just realized he is no longer here, my heart breaks for your family, you & so many people did such incredible things to make his life a life of trust, love, companuship, a life of love and not fear & loneliness, God Bless each & everyone of you who opened your hearts, time, love, home to this Amazing Gentleman, thankyou for letting us all get to know & love him

  2. I was just a moment ago thinking about TomTom, wondering how he and his wonderful family were doing, he's never far from my thoughts, I pray he and you all are doing well, you are an incredible person, your other babies & friends & doctors are the human angels God has here on earth, I'm so grateful to have stumbled on your video, God Bless You All

  3. Oh, Tom Tom. I was there watching his entire journey. I was among those offering ideas and support. She did a brilliant job with him…I miss him. He was a great old man, and a brilliant kitty.

  4. This short doesn't tell you how much Katie loved TomTom and changed his life. He had significant health problems, diabetes and stomach issues. Katie loved and supported him every step of his journey. I feel blessed that I was able to watch from the beginning. TomTom lived his best life with Katie after years of fighting and surviving on the streets. He was so sweet! RIP TomTom🥲

  5. I really really hope you had him checked for Feline leukemia and infections peritonitis, among other possible diseases, since you are fostering kittens? It would be so sad if you hadn’t and Tom Tom could be infecting other kitties? That would be tragic 😕

  6. I don't think he used to be feral I don't think he originally was feral I think somebody had him and somebody beat the s*** out of him somebody ripped his ears off burned them off I don't know what they did to his ears that is not muscular like a feral cat feral cats are usually very muscular this cat is not muscular he's it seems like he was somebody's and then they didn't appreciate him and they s*** all over him and he he lived through all the horrific s*** I'm just glad you found him when you did

  7. I have seen several "feral" cats get way more comfortable in their new environment when they have an emotional support kitten, and it needs to be looked into to see if that's a viable way to get more of these supposed "feral" domesticated cats into homes

  8. That poor lad's got the absolute gnarliest ears I've ever seen on a cat. He certainly is battle-scarred, but he's still sooo handsome. So glad he's got a warm, loving home now, with lots of companionship! 😻

  9. We have a former feral cat I named Oreo. She had several litters before we finally trapped her and took her to be spayed. Her fur is now long and super soft, black and white.
    It’s raining ☔️ tonight, so she came to the door and is asleep on the kitchen floor. Took us a year to get her used to being petted, now she rubs against my legs and begs for pats. She’s such a sweetheart, well worth the time, energy and money we invested. She had a saucer of warm milk (her favorite), after her wet food tonight.❤

  10. Just his look on his face is priceless when you're able to actually kiss him n show your love. He's a great GPa Tom-Tom ❤️🙏🏽🫂😌😇

  11. You just proved that with time, dedication, love and caring all can be fixed.
    By that I mean his life changed from mistrust, non caring, ignored, and beaten down in his life could be saved. !❤️❤️
    Ty for your diligence…another Soul saved!🙏🏼. One at a time. 👍

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