15 Insane moments at sea – The sea can be a SCARY place!

15 Insane moments at sea - The sea can be a SCARY place!
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Check out these 15 insane and surreal moments caught on film at sea! 😮

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  1. The title says the sea can be a scary place… Hello??? The sea is not our home… It's theirs.. humans have destroyed everything. We are the cancer of the planet..

  2. After go’ogling around, I didn't realize that Simmy Krotiel's Bigger Blueprint was updated and you can make it bigger even faster, yep, what Simmy suggested before was pretty good, but now it can grow up to 4 ins, I managed 3 ins myself and I feel like a monster lol

  3. I’m very very most fear in oceans and seas, that’s my most nightmare and panic! Bottom of line I will NEVER NEVER NEVER go in oceans or seas period.. Too many people got attack by sharks , seals and others, noope not me! I rather go in swimming pool or bathtub or spa, that’s it! (I feel more safe, no attack at all!) By the way, people who are going to oceans and seas for diver, surfs , kayaks and swimming are crazy, I can’t understand why they go in that oceans and seas, they know better! That’s sharks home, it’s their habitats! That people’s choice death or missing leg or arm, it’s NOT sharks, lion seals or other fault, people’s fault because they’re NOT listen guard rescue warnings and sign post warnings, they choose to ignore warning 🤷🏼‍♀️ it’s people who are NOT listen, period! It’s their high dangerous risk! Don’t blame sharks, lion seals or others, blame yourself people who diver, surfs, and swimming, they asked for it, they know better!

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