PURE ADRENALINE – 9 Minutes Of Extreme Motorcycle Riding (Headphones Required)

PURE ADRENALINE - 9 Minutes Of Extreme Motorcycle Riding (Headphones Required)
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About the Author: Sports Primal


  1. That Jemand Z1K really makes my blood boil. You're not the fucking Ghostrider, mate. You are not in control.

    I ride a B-King and don't mind wringing the throttle here and there. But what you're doing is absolute madness. You'll kill somebody if you haven't already by now.

    And the other droolers riding like squids? We call you meat crayons in the EMS.

  2. That chick with no gear has no fucking clue what shes doing. Her boyfriend or whoever the chaser is should know better..

    Ive seen a chick who slid on her ass 300 feet after wiping out her bike. Very quickly shredded through her jeans, her butt meat.. straight to bone. Lets just say that all her parts got a bit mixed up downstairs and its gonna be a life long struggle to use the bathroom, stay clean.. get pleasure..

    Its not worth it. Dress for the slide.

  3. D'habitude je n'aime pas utiliser les noms d'oiseaux, mais franchement le mec qui remonte les files à 140 et plus en MT est complètement lobotomisé. Un jour il va tuer quelqu'un, ou lui même. Lui c'est sa vie, si il se bute ça le regarde, mais tuer quelqu'un qui n'a rien demandé, je ne cautionne pas du tout. Franchement être motard n'a rien à voir avec ce qu'on voit dans la vidéo.

  4. everybody can turn a throttle even a monkey , not everyone can avoid an accident and break at the time,, stop being stupid .. the first girl in short,, dont know what is being burn by the tarmac ^^ when you fall once in short, you dont ride in short anymore

  5. Video should be titled, "Rich Kid Thinks Lambo Can Beat Sports Bike."
    Warning: Do not do this stupid stuff. Go to a track. I was cringing waiting for death.

    Edit: I get a little rowdy on my bike sometimes, but I NEVER do it in a fashion that would leave my children without a father, or both parents for that matter. People don't see you and then you find a grave quite quickly.

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