Aftermath of the 15 Biggest Explosions Ever Caught on Camera

Aftermath of the 15 Biggest Explosions Ever Caught on Camera
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About the Author: Ridddle


  1. 6 supernovas in NGC 5468 if you wanna know:
    SN 1999cp (type Ia, mag. 18.2)
    SN 2002cr (type Ia, mag. 16.5)
    SN 2002ed (type IIP, mag. 16.5)
    SN 2005P (type Ia-pec, mag. 18.1)
    SN 2018dfg (type IIb, mag. 15.9)
    SN 2023cj (type Ic, mag. 17).

  2. if Alpha Centauri exploded first of all to our current knowledge nothing can travel faster than light therefore logically if the solar system is around 4 light years away it would take 4 years for us to see anything and how the hell did you come to the conclusion that it would destroy the earth that literally isn't possible…

  3. Wrong. The train disaster in Canada was carrying napalm from the Vietnam war. It was being brought to be transferred into gasoline. Well over 200 people were suspected dead. Their not sure because most bodies were burnt to ashes.

  4. @05:32 there is a conspiracy that there was a place for hiding Nuclear Weapon , and SOMEONE blew it up , it was not an accident , it was a political assassination ……………….

  5. It took 2 years to rebuild this market(1:00, 1:33)…. In the US, and most countries, that market can be rebuilt in less than a week. Can be rebuilt in 24 hours in China hahaha. Those arent homes, apartments, skyscrappers… they are basically huts made of some wood, and the roof tops are metal sheets you find in junk yards.

  6. 'Would I like to get hired for this job' to get up close and watch an interstellar explosion of Apocalyptic magnitude You want my honest opinion here's my answer 'OH HELL NO NOT A SNOWBALLS CHANCE IN HELL YOU CANNOT PAY ME NO MATTER WHAT AMOUNT OF MONEY FOR THAT'.

  7. The narrator's light-hearted, wise-cracking style would be more suited to a video about animals goofing about doing funny things. It is totally inappropriate for a collection of tragic tales involving the deaths and serious injury of actual human beings who have left behind a large number of grieving loved ones.

  8. One day, someone will have to explaing to me the benefits of having enough nuclear weapons to blow up the entire planet Earth fourteen times over.

  9. Ammonia nitrate is NOT used to make bread. Ammonia CARBONATE is a leavening agent used sometimes for baking baking. But not in bread. If he ever tries to make bread with explosives instead of yeast it won't end well.

  10. .
    And now In the entire world nobody nobody prepares for anything.
    Then when something happens even if it's losing a job They are devastated

  11. Your star is an anomaly. Imagine this. A drop of water imploding in a vacuum is a solar flare. Now compare that drop to the size of earth and the compartmentalism energy created compared to mass over effect generated by energy previously expended to create the influx of result……work that brain.
    All energy expended, past and present, creates DARK ENERGY. The sound exhausted from EVERY FOOTSTEP to every imploding star. This, is the existence of matter in time and the converse to celestial degradation. Be happy you woke up!

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