15 Scary Ghost Videos That Will Leave You In Complete Shock
This original work of horror promises to keep you looking over your shoulder.
Inspired by r/nosleep, these scary videos will scare you in a way you’ll be begging for more.
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#scaryvideos #caughtoncamera #thehaunter
Better this x wasn't as many old clips as there has been b 4. The girls n the jeep seems 2 b really fake they couldn't even act good 😮. Kimtigger143❤😊❤😊!!!
1st 1 is fake why would an entity show therselves n the bright area they just dnt do that
Love the videos, but like he's speaking spanish…. you really couldn't add subtitles for your viewers….?
I will tell you how I feel about all these videos. They are all hoaxes! Plus you can't even understand what they are saying. It's very easy to take someone with you and they stand behind you quietly and make things happen, for example, the chair moving in that one house. He put his camera on it and it was still, then when he moved his camera away, someone that was with him made it move then he pointed his camera on the chair again and it was moving. Then he left. These videos are so easy to pull off!
28:17 that terrible backgroundmusic. It makes me dont wanna look the video no more!
Any of this in English?
That wasn't a skin walker! People are throwing around that word way too much lately! It's a Dominic presence called a mimic.
No. 11 is a poorly made fake
What Santiago was smelling was a demonic presence.
video 11canular
Instead of a few shots with the camera, how about a few shots with the 357 ?
Old videos
These are just more "unauthentic" would-be "ghost hunters" where they have their own channel or site or page, and this is just another dumb compilation of "other peoples" videos that so many try gathering and presenting as if they themselves were solely responsible for making and bring to the public. Get a camcorder dude, and make your own. Why not support the ones making them at their own channel than to support some who "borrow without permission" i'm sure, and gain a bit more respect. Or keep "taking" them and act like you deserve publication. Whatever.. another click-happy "money for nothing" channel to block…
So you’re not even going to mention that in the last video,#1 the ghost says “leave this place” “don’t come back”…..even though that video is super old 🙄
Fatal shift? Did he die? How?
Can we all stop showing the stupid video of the girls in the car it's obviously fake n they're high as hell
Love your videos. Is there a reason why their always repetitive? Is there no new content?
So nice to see a show with new videos and NO repeats. Thank you so much your channel are fantastic🙏💕👍
New, interesting stuff. Good video. The universe is stranger than we know.
The girls in the SUV is just their click bait and doesn't belong in the paranormal genre.
17:20, you woulda never seen that guy out of a window when watching the playback. So they had to have known it was there, unless it was the audience that spotted it. I know they sometime watch things frame by frame looking
This dude puts out some serious videos. I do kinda wish it was more quality then quantity
sub #thehaunter
Love this channel who else saw the black shadow figure go past the wall when the 2 dogs was playing by the couch watch the wall by the dogs it goes past U can't miss it