Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 Looks Amazing

Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 Looks Amazing
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by @WarhorseStudios
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  1. idk if it's just me, but for the first game i really disliked the way sword combat mechanics worked with a mouse, felt like it was designed with a controller in mind and very counter intuitive as a mouse user, so i played the game with a bow and mace build, no need for fancy combos, just bonking people in the head with 10% stun 1 shot chance. hope they chance it up a bit for the second game.

  2. Just please no rats two games that had rats I hated like the assassin Creed Valhalla DLC with rats they were so much of a pain but they are more historical so I don't think they will have rats like that.

  3. yap I am worried about the graphics, I hope they make a performance settings that will downgrade the graphics to KCD 1 graphics (i don't have issue on KCD1 graphics except to some overlapping of the objects)

  4. 9:18 Except KCD 1 came out entire years before Baldur's Gate 3 and Dragon's Dogma 2, did literally everything you said, and was successful well before those games were even a thought.

  5. Anyone else noticing The Flower of Life on the ceiling of the church at 5:30? The creators of KCD are quite accurate when it comes to history so let's assume they have chosen this specific spot with a reason, keeping in mind that they showcase a specific character in that image that is projected on it. What implications could that have for this game and this character? I invite you to think about it.

  6. music is a HUGE part of gaming for me, I'm glad they are putting emphasis on that part of the game. The music in this game is so well done, I just can't wait for the full ost.

  7. Let's hope that we get more beautiful full plate, historically accurate, FUNCTIONAL armor that ACTUALLY make you nearly invincible like in real life. Oh, and can we please have ACTUAL BLOOD in this game? Every single time you defeat an opponent in the first one, blood and gore is just non-existent.

  8. Why are so many American gamers against women gamers? As if women don't play different games. Just as for some reason American women don't play role-playing games.
    Are those women so different than wimen from other countries or are American gamers biased against them?

  9. Original combat was really clunky when you fought multiple people and combos were essentially useless in fights up against more than 2 people. I really hope they fixed that for KCD 2

  10. Meanwhile us in Czechia patiently waiting for the game journos piling up on Vávra for the lack of representation in 15th century Bohemia. Him telling them to fuck off is like a national gamer holiday.

  11. Bro!! This part 2, people have been sharing this and found out yesterday about it. Part one I have never played or even know what the back story is. BUT, if I saw correctly, the Royal edition for Part one has the main story, and all DLCs for JUST 3.99. I saw that on the Playstation, I'm not sure about steam since I unfortunately don't own a computer. But I'm thinking of getting Part I

  12. You need to stream the first game ASAP. Tons of funny moments in it. Youre a literal peasant and gotta level up first to get good at combat itll be a good game to stream.

  13. Till this day, I still open KCD ocasionally to have a wander around in it's beautiful scenery. A little building mod allows me to make campsites wherever and it just feels so nice to chill in that game world. I can't stress enough how hyped I am to see this.

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