Greatest Fights In The Animal Kingdom Part 4 | BBC Earth

Greatest Fights In The Animal Kingdom Part 4 | BBC Earth
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Watch as crocodiles ambush their prey from underwater, wolves hunt in packs, and big cats tackle prey double their size. For family, food or territory, these determined animals won’t go down without a fight.


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  1. the bison was killed by friendly fire! and sad for the flying fishes.. poor souls cant stay in water neither cant fly . beautifully shot i must say! & that rabbit 🙁

  2. if birds hadn't evolved from dinausores, the birds we would have would have probably evolved from flying fishes. Can you imagine instead of white meat, you would have salmon-like chicken breasts hahaha

  3. A long, long time ago, fish with complacency of his unusual ability as fish came too close to the sun. His wings were unlike those of Icarus didn't melt down. Simply ended up with between the beaks of a passer-by frigatebird! Allegory just invented.

  4. Whenever I come across this flying fish scene, despite infernal moments for them, I can't help undescribable sensation on the beauty of the image. A prowess of the team BBC.

  5. Lions are definitely not king of jungle. It's just a hoax. 5 can't hunt a bull. Male lions are more poor in hunting. And one equals to one lion can't hunt rarely a single species. Tigers are way stronger and sharper animal.

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