111 Video Game Details in the Fallout TV Show

111 Video Game Details in the Fallout TV Show
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Adapting a video game into a TV show is a pretty daunting task, but Fallout is a more difficult beast than most. A series of six massive RPGs, four of which are huge open worlds filled to bursting with companies, creations, and creatures, there’s a hell of a lot to address in order to get the world just right in live action. And yet that’s just what the Prime Video show does – it’s a series teeming with game-accurate props, ideas, and locations. 

Season 1 of the Fallout TV show features a megaton of details and easter eggs taken straight from the games, and we’ve rounded up 111 of them.

#Fallout #Gaming #IGN


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About the Author: IGN


  1. In the shootout in Filly there's an obvious reference to VATS as The Ghoul looks around the battlefield in slow-motion before quickdrawing and killing oh-so-many people in the span of a breath. VATS is explained as a pip-boy feature in the games, but obviously 200 years of experience works better on TV.

  2. You forgot that the foot steps of the t-60 power armor in Maximus’ interrogation scene are almost 1 to 1 with the fallout 4 power armour foot steps

  3. vault 75 is the seperation refrenced in episode 8. smart and athletic kids were breed to become super soilders which become the gunners located in the vault

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