POLE SHIFT | Your Most-Asked Questions

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Earth Disaster Video: https://youtu.be/j635Cv2aOlA
Solar Micronova Video: https://youtu.be/cEMXp1HlzUs

Twitter: https://twitter.com/SunWeatherMan


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About the Author: Suspicious0bservers


  1. So, the " cold poles " north and south will remain. Which means whatever water or land become the new north and south magnetic poles also become cold? Hate to be so thick about this, I'm just trying to understand it. At 70, I dont expect to survive, probably be already pushing daisies by then….but i have many grandkids and I'd like some of them and my kids to survive to some extent…thanks for so much info….

  2. You could never know that this whole planet will turn and churn like a freshwater lake and then we will be the next layer of goo exploited to the worlds detriment.

  3. Will the ocean wash completely across the lands except the highest mountains? Any idea what elevation and how far inland will avoid the tsunami?

  4. well I'm glad I watched this because I was wondering, so wave coming from the atlantic east to west but not 2 miles?!? high?!? i've been building this image in my mind of my life ending attempting to surf a literal mountain what are we talking?! I could settle for 500 anything less and I'm out. should I Noah"s ark it head out to deep water? Move to New Mexico god forbid…no offense.. I know it's where our host is from its ideal and I actually can…which is weird.. but do I HAVE Too???

  5. I assume since u call it a disaster that we are not gonna survive am I right to assume that sorry if this is a stupid ? But I'm scared not so much for myself but my 3 year old childs sake I'm sure u know how it is not wanting your child to go through anything referred to as a disaster that is assuming you have kids…

  6. Who knows anything? God knows! Just heard a guy say wrong should be ousted, exposed.. well.. I definitely 💯 believe in GOD! But’ man? Nope 👎 thanks for bringing up the best kept secret that’s gotten sooo sooooo unbelievably insane and is a huge reason for most of death for that matter, thanks 😊 🙌💯👁️🙏

  7. In several videos you say the Pacific tsunami will travel east initially. But I believe the initial tsunami will travel along the west coast of North America towards the gulf of Alaska and the Aleutian Islands. What do you think?

  8. With all due respect what are you comments on Professor Daves debunking video? Your videos have caused me some concern but Daves video picks apart a lot of your points. Can you explain to me why he refutes everything youre saying?

  9. One thing I keep asking myself is : ( and any one please let me know where im going wrong) if the earth keeps experiencing cycles of this patten and disruption, (and on small time scale cycles in the scheme of the earth) how on earth dose anything survive or evolve. Even I our small history as humans evolving if the earth keep cycling in massive (massive) global extension events like this , how on each dose any animal survive over the past several million years ( not taking into account astrorid impacts) ? and im aware of younger dryas, plants changing events. I just can't help thinking if we look at the planet as cycles of this scale of event almost nothing would survive every time ? how did our ancestors survive, and were not talking about a few people hiding in caves or under ground citys the numbers don't add up.

  10. The question @4:08 has been my question this whole time too. Do glad someone asked! I was wondering why the poles "shift back and forth" if the reason they unlock in the first place is to balance out where the mass is sitting on the Earth (I'm sure I'm not explaining that right but I'm doing my best) I watched hours of your videos every day for weeks and didn't remember you going over the why's on that question.

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