Top 52 minutes of natural disasters caught on camera. Most hurricane in history. USA

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A selection of the most incredible moments ever caught on tape!
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There are some moments in life that are so incredible that nobody would believe it if it weren’t caught on camera. And even though bizarre moments happen every day, it can be very confusing to see them with your own eyes. Today, we’re going to show you of the most unbelievable moments ever caught on camera!

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About the Author: Admin


  1. I pray that if anybody has not asked Jesus to come and live in their heart and ask for his forgiveness for all of their sins please do so now. Romans 10:9 says: THAT IF THOU SHALT CONFESS WITH THY MOUTH THE LORD JESUS, AND SHALT BELIEVE IN THINE HEART THAT GOD HATH RAISED HIM FROM THE DEAD, THOU SHALT BE SAVED. KING JAMES VERSION

  2. 이런 재앙 오지 않게 늘 항상 하나님 아버지께 하세요 우리처럼 기도 하세요 주님께 매달리 보세요
    우리 나라 기독교 교인들은 이런 재앙 온다면 기도해요 그래서 무사히 잘 넘어가죠 우리 나라 국민들처럼 기도하세요

  3. 人類的共業罪惡,世界國家,災難多,貪,殺人,搶,偷,詐騙,毒食品,阿騙毒類,都是每個國家領導,所貪,不做善,亂殺生,在世界共業的嚴重,一個很亮的月亮,變成世界的黑暗,災難的警告,希望,多作善,遠離一切

  4. Isaiah 28:2

    Behold, the Lord hath a mighty and strong one, as a tempest of

    hail, a destroying storm, as a flood of mighty waters overflowing

    shall cast down to the earth with the hand.

    God is telling everyone to now wake-up, and to turn back to Him

    By repenting & seeking Jesus Christ for forgiveness of your sins

    Believe with all your heart, the Gospel of Christ, who died in your

    place, so you can have life through Him. Believe in the coming

    Kingdom of our Lord, Be born again in Christ and be saved to

    everlasting life. This is the gospel of Christ:

    John 3:16

    ROMANS 3:23-24

    ROMANS 5:8

    Colossians 1:14-15

    ROMANS 6:23

    Ephesians 2:8-9

    Matthew 4:17

    Acts 16:31

    1 Corinthians 15:1-4

    Romans 10:8-10

    John 14:6

    Acts 2:38

    John 14:15-16

    Then take up your cross, follow Jesus & keep His Commandments.

    Matthew 22:37-40 GOD bless all who read these words. 🕊🙏

  5. There are images not only from the United States, there are images that were filmed from England 6:45, France 9:53 tornado EF2, Japan, other countries which also had severe weather.

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