22 Minutes Of Karens Messing With The Wrong People..

22 Minutes Of Karens Messing With The Wrong People..
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22 Minutes Of Karens Messing With The Wrong People..

Subscribe for more videos to see Karens Who Got What They Really DESERVED, Karens, Public Freakouts, Karen Complications, Karens Getting Owned By Police, Karens Going to Prison, Instant Karma & More!

Videos inspired by:
26 Minutes of Karens Vs Kids!

18 Minutes of Karens Vs Kids!

TOP 25 BEST Entitled & Angry Karen’s Who Got OWNED! #19 Sneaky Trends

Karen DESTROYS Loud Lamborghini… Karma

Racist Karen Gets INSTANT KARMA after this.. Illusive

Karen Attacks Neighbor after this.. Illusive

When A Karen Goes To Prison.. Illusive



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About the Author: Public Freakout Videos


  1. I feel like the makers of this video have no idea what a Karen is… and this is what happens when we appropriate another culture's experience…

  2. you can tell the people giving the amazon guy flak have never been to any city, delivery drivers and everybody park in the middle of the street to deliver stuff, either you just wait or you turn around, confronting the delivery driver is just gonna make him take his sweet time on purpose, chill tf out the guy is just trying to do his job

  3. I have a Karen story of mine when I was in camp,we were playing with the ducks and a Karen with like 8 children start to yell at us and even ask one of the Adults her information that way she can call the police I don’t have any videos but it’s real.

  4. as a Mexican American, the black lady saying Go back to Mexico 😂😂 she mad mad. I was even mad I almost felt bad for her cause I’ve been told go back to Mexico before and it’s comical at this point

  5. I bet im way more mean if someone did that to my child, and for the last video anyone is capable of being racist. I was so irritated when she told dude to go back Mexico 😡.

  6. Zaxby’s has a reason to be pissed but she didn’t need to be racist and escalate the situation. The driver is a moron for antagonizing and recording instead of pushing the car out the mf way.

  7. The first one isn't a Karen. She is a MOM. Hell YA. You go girl. As a Mum myself I am well behind this. That is a real MOM. 😍

    Margaret's hair belongs in 1968.

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