Creepy Videos That Will Keep You Up At Night (pt. 68)

Creepy Videos That Will Keep You Up At Night (pt. 68)
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In tonight’s video, I react to a scary video compilation that will send chills down your spine. The creepy TikToks and YouTube Shorts shown in this montage are equally shocking and thought-provoking, causing many on social media to question reality. This scary compilation features some mysterious celebrity conspiracies, scary UFO sightings and plenty of strange creatures. If that’s not enough, there are also some unexplained glitches in the matrix that will leave you scratching your head and keep you up at night.

Let me know your opinion of these creepy videos in the comments below!

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The intro/outro song is my original track that you can check out here:


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About the Author: Lucid Rob


  1. Lucid- I also sleep with my phone like 2 feet from my head on my night stand as well. I switched to iPhone about 2 years ago. I have always been an android user. Anyhoo- my night terrors and sleep in general has drastically gotten worst over the last 2 years. I am going to do an experiment and start charging my phone WAY further away and see if this makes a difference. I let ya know and maybe you and other subscribers should move yours if i have different outcome of sleep quality. I figured I would test it over a 2 week period.

  2. Rob the giant of Kandahar was a human eater. When they battled him he put it on them in a big way. Handing out @&& whooping’s to anyone coming in or around his territory and especially his cave. These Giants also are some of the stories that intrigue me the most. It’s fascinating to read about all these stories, history, myths and tales about how humans interacted and witnessed them. @LucidRobYT

  3. The crabby giant is not real. If it was real and with that back story, there's no way it would be on public display. Some nefarious US agency would have had it away with that before being made public. Right now, it would be shrouded in myth and secrecy.
    Great stuff 👍❤

  4. Money changes everything. Without greed there wouldn’t be control, without control there wouldn’t be war, without war there wouldn’t be famine, without famine there wouldn’t be organizations to help and without money the world would finally know utopia.

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