Dog’s Tumor Recurs, And It’s Heartbreaking To See How Hard It’s Getting#Shorts

Dog's Tumor Recurs, And It's Heartbreaking To See How Hard It's Getting#Shorts
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Hello everyone, I have been involved in stray dog rescue for many years, and I have always provided public welfare assistance at my own expense. Caring for stray animals, caring for every life that should not be given up, I hope everyone can subscribe, like, share and support us, so that we will have more confidence to continue to rescue dogs in need
#straydog #rescue #dog

We also hope that through our videos, more people can pay attention to these poor lives and participate in our actions
#straydogs #rescue #dog

“We have taken various steps to ensure that the video content is consistent with animal welfare and does not lead to any instances of cruelty.”


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About the Author: Bro Long Stray Dogs Shelter


  1. Please let us know how that Beautiful Dog does, I pray that they can do the surgery and do Well ! God Bless you for taking care of that 😇 Angel..God Bless All of you that Care❤❤❤
    Thank You!!

  2. I hope golden will be ok. After the ct scan you will know if it has traveled to the bone. Check the lymph nodes and lungs too. Chemotherapy may work as well. Big hug to golden. You are such a good friend and so supportive. Thank you for your love and caring for these fur friends. There is DNA vaccine called Oncept

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