American Bison VS Fighting Bull – Who Would Win A Fight?

American Bison VS Fighting Bull - Who Would Win A Fight?
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American Bison VS Fighting Bull – Who Would Win A Fight?

In the rugged arenas of the animal kingdom, where strength, agility, and tenacity collide, the American bison and the Spanish fighting bull, or “toro de lidia,” stand out as formidable contenders. The clash between the American bison and the fighting bull beckons us to explore the intricacies of their anatomy, behavior, and cultural significance, all while pondering the age-old question: who would emerge victorious in this ultimate showdown of these titans?

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➤ Narrated by: David McCallion

➤ Background music: Youtube Library

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About the Author: Admin


  1. This has already been tested, in 1874.
    The Bison didn't kill the 1000lb. but it left it bloody and unable to stand. Then it went on to bash the crap out of two others. All three bulls huddled together in fear at the side of the arena, while the Buffalo napped in the center of the arena to cheers from the crowd.

  2. This fight has happened already. In 1907 on the American Plans a ranchers sold tickets and had a buffalo and a Spanish fighting bull go at it. The buffalo won. there is a youtube video about it.

  3. Fighting bull is the winner because of its temper, ferocity with which it attacks its opponent, and most importantly, its killer horns. Bisons are formidable animals, but their horns are small and not suitable for goring.

  4. this has already happened and the bison whooped the bull. then whooped two more bulls the same day. it wasn’t even a contest. there’s a youtube video about it.

  5. 1907 a Bison named Pierre took out three of the best Minotaur Bulls back to back during a big money bet between some Americans and Mexicans who wanted to say who had the strongest bull. Plus Pierre took out the three bulls quickly with an injured leg he received during transportation on the train ride to Mexico. All of the three bulls refused to fight in the arena again due to the punishment they all three received from Pierre.

  6. This actually happened in a bullring in Juarez Mexico in 1905. The Bison won every time, and the bulls refused to fight him a second time. The Bison actually beat 3 bulls at once.

  7. the bison has to fight with wolves, and bears. but the fighting bull only fights with humans, and loses. i'm going for the bison.if a man fights with a bear then loses most of the time, then the fighting bull will as well. because it only fights with man.

  8. If the bison was able to get a true, head-on impact charge, it might be able to stun, or even knock out, the bull, but the bull's horns are far more dangerous. If the bull was not incapacitated by a collision, then a twist of the head would gore the bison. Also, the bull's agility would help it avoid a head-on skull-to-skull charge.

  9. Blah, blah,blah about the capabilities of the domestic fighting bull…………The buff has all of those. You un’s have no iea how quick and agile the bison is…….until it is too late. They are not a slow lumbering beast, but extremely quick when agitated. And he knows how to use his horns to his advantage too.

  10. I did say Spanish bull cuz these beasts have the aggression and power through their gene form ancient so they have experience and will not care whatever the opponent it is so I did say Spanish fighting bull.. most importantly the horns of the bull is longer and sharper that might Peirce the bison 😅

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