Deadly Disasters: Drought | World’s Most Dangerous Natural Disasters | Free Documentary

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Deadly Disasters: Drought

Deadly Disasters – Wildfires:

Most parts of the world are liable to the horrors brought by lack of water. In the United States only hurricanes bring about more economic hardships.

It is not only a lack of rain and high temperatures that causes drought. Overuse of existing water supplies by an ever-increasing population only adds to the problem.

We take a look at the in famous Dust Bowl that devastated parts of America in the 1930s. In 2016, during a drought in India some 330 million people were affected. Then, the Millennium drought in Australia which may have been the worst for 800 years, destroying crops, ecosystems and forcing many inhabitants of the continent’s parched cities to adopt entirely new methods of re-using their water supplies.

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  1. We take a look at the Dust Bowl that devastated parts of America in the 1930s. In 2016, during a drought in India some 330 million were affected. Then, the Millennium drought in Australia may have been the worst for 800 years, destroying crops, ecosystems and forcing many inhabitants of the continent's parched cities to adopt entirely new methods of re-using their water supplies.

  2. This seems alot like that bond movie which takes place in Bolivia. Hmm could water be the next thing the wars are fought over . The fear with which they control us. The land has all been privatized along with everything else water is next .

  3. I have been In a major drought and grrat depression of my own for years now. Just in time for the world to enter into a new state of chaos. I could use some reprise . 😢

  4. America and Australia dealt with these droughts themselves and invested in infrastructure to negate future droughts India will always hold out there begging bowl to the west and refuse to invest in infrastructure because Indian elites dictate policy to suit themselves and expect the west to help there citizens.

  5. The pole shift is not a result of climate change but the global weather on continents is changing because of the pole shift. Its documented and if you research it and understand how this affects to rotation around the poles you understand how the climate for these continents is changing as well

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