Meet This Family of Mountain Gorillas | Cousins | BBC Earth

Meet This Family of Mountain Gorillas | Cousins | BBC Earth
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In this amazing footage from the BBC wildlife series Cousins, Dr Charlotte Uhlenbroek has her first encounter with a family of gorillas, including an impressive Silverback, having a siesta in the jungle. Visit for all the latest animal news and wildlife videos and watch more high quality videos on the new BBC Earth YouTube channel here:

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  1. Maybe a dumb question but how are they able to get so close without being attacked? Heck we can’t even go out to the flock of sheep without the ram attacking, this is so baffling

  2. hey lady watch your mouth,dont u dare calling the Great Apes an animals,they are our cousins,unless u call your close family an animals,then call the gorillas animals whenever u are alone or with your animals at home not in public,and deff not on tv! ✌️

  3. I love that gorillas are on the rise and I accept that most of that is due to public outcry… I hate that it has to involve these sorts of invasive measures though. The guide that steps in when she gets bowled over, you know he's been doing this a long time.

    Diane Fossey this lady is not. She spent 10k on a 'gorilla experience'. A bill she sent to the network and is probably talking about it at luncheons.

  4. Does ANYBODY here know the truth about these " animals" ? She is so rediculous & why in the world are not protective ? Fearful, wild? Anyone have any instincts left at all?

  5. Unlike the chimpanzee, the gorilla will mostly avoid conflict. While the Silverback is stronger and larger, he is still much more adept to sending his message through intimidation, rather than actually fighting

  6. The problem with this world is that we make many animals out to be these vicious animals who are blood thirsty monsters. In reality, animals often times share the same mind set as humans; that is to say, they demand respect just as much as humans do while at the same time do have the ability to critically think about their options.

  7. That women never stopped being on the verge of laughter, through an incident most women these days would claim gave them ptsd, in a melodramatic, tear soaked selfie video

  8. You know, I sometimes wonder if it would help to flat-out pay some of these desperately poor peoples of the area just enough money so they don't poach these magnificent creatures. If you remove or lessen the monetary reward poaching buys them it might significantly reduce the act? I mean there's an inherent cost protecting in them in the first place. If you gave someone $50 a week (or find that number as it were) would that significantly help in reducing those poaching numbers ?

  9. It's unbelievable that the two teenagers included the lady in the "practice", the older one was like saying "excuse me", then kicking the lady gently. The other one was a bit bolder and didn't even say " sorry".🤣

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