Does Boxing Work in a Street Fight?

Does Boxing Work in a Street Fight?
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Is boxing good for street fights? I don’t recommend street fighting but if you need to defend yourself from bullies or attackers, boxing is one of the best self-defense you need to learn. Even just the basics of boxing will help you throw proper punches that will help you win a fight in just a few seconds.


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About the Author: Tony Jeffries


  1. A trained boxer against a civilian will get a one or 2 strike knockout or knockdown 99% of the time.

    Still not a good idea. The reason grappling is still recommended is because its alot less dangerous. Boxing is essentially just causing as much damage to the person as quickly as possible. Wrestling is about controlling the person.

    If an obviously drunk guy tries to fight you and you knock him out cold you might kill him and youll definitely get kicked out the bar. If you tie him up and hold him down you might get to stay.

  2. fake kick him and run full speed into him if he's a big guy run lol u don t want to mess up or u kinda screwed in less u can jump on his arm and do an arm bar but it wont work if hes super strong hell pick u up with his wrist and slam u most of thr time the super strong guy wins and different races are stronger blacks and mexican americans have more bone density and testosterone compared to whites

  3. Growing up in the 80s, the hardest lads I knew were boxers. Back then, they weren't afraid to let their fist go if someone got a little bit gobby. Let say the fights were over in seconds. Left right, goodnight.

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