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About the Author: Admin


  1. Guyz listen first.
    The monkey here is not innocent that u guyz are supporting him.
    The story is that he is a very dangerous monkey in that village he already done so many attacks in that village. He sneaks in to people houses and the trees u are seeing he attacked his group of monkey there and half murdered one very small monkey. And attacked one dog and bite his(dog’s)neck. That’s why the people living there came in support of other monkeys to help them and tries to make him go away. But as u can see he is not some coward monkey he didn’t go anywhere even after the people left that place. ✌🏻

  2. Si todos os poneis a su alrededor con palos es normal que el animal se sienta amenazado,por eso aqui ya no se distingue quien es mas animal,el solo quiere el arbol y que nadie se acerque,paraceis gilipollas todos,bueno no,sois todos gilipollas,espero que se hayan echo cargo las autorodades de la zona mediante un dardo tranquilizante para devolverlo a su habitat natural,que son a los que hay que llamar con el mismo telefono que está en la mano de quien graba,el mono solo espanta,cuando un imbecil rematado con un palo se le acerca ñevantando el palo y dicuendo eeghhrr eegghhrr…….dejen a los animales en paz cuando los vean retirense y llamen a las autoridades que sois gilipollas y unos paletos analfabetos incultos de mierda….

  3. To all westerners watching this video. This is not animal abuse. The relationship between indians and animals is different to western civilisation. Its a fair playing field with wild animals coexisting with humans. You get situations where there are dangerous animals that need to be dealt with. Also if you're a westerner that eats meat….you especially don't have the right to comment so shut the fuk up. Keep your opinion to yourself and leave us Indians alone. We don't need anything from you especially after you raped our women and invaded our lands and took our wealth.

  4. Too many monkeys in India and they bite , seriously hurt peoples unfortunately Indians worship them , same as rats which spreading disease and peoples can died . Lots of things are different in India as they worship many animals , peoples can died by them spreading disease or died by hunger . They don’t eat beef because they worship cows … even they haven’t had enough food 😮.

  5. कुतो कयू बेचारे जीव को परेशान कर रहा है तू कितना हरामी लोग हैं इसे अच्छा अपने परिवार के बडे बुजुर्ग को मार

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