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About the Author: Omoshi Sage


  1. He didn’t fight back because every time he dies he’s reborn stronger. That’s why the head guy pulled the plug on him after. In the comics Allen is one of the strongest characters because of this

  2. Allen and invincible both barely able to handle their own against a single simple viltrumite will eventually become top five stronger characters by the final season of the series.

  3. He. Could’ve went to some place that is safer really easily they are in space and then he could’ve fought them without any damage to the ship

  4. I feel it. He's a real man. He thought about the possible outcomes and chose to stand down and let it happen so no further casualties would happen. Especially the one he loves. Props to Allen for being smart and also brave because it takes serious bravery to let them beat you like that with no reaction just so others don't get hurt. Lots of love and respect to this character and watch he's going to come back bigger, stronger, smarter and faster. He's like a saiyan warrior from Dragon Ball Z but in the invincible universe. His genetics are awesome. The writers of the comics and show are very smart and creative. Such a crazy variety. Props to them as well.

  5. It’s pretty obvious why… he literally was struggling against invincible, a human viltrumite hybrid that just got his abilities lol. He’s not taking 3 full grown purebred viltrumites 😭

  6. He didn’t stand a chance against even one, he was a good man. They write this shit so well you actually give a shit about these cartoon characters I feel the urge to hold a funeral for the guy.

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