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About the Author: DarkMoose


  1. When you’re close to dying, the other side come to you. My dad died last august, he said all his brothers were with him at his bed. They was all dead. I truly believe, as after soeaking to the nurses, it happens all the time, and they come to get you, . My dad also seen many other things. Ppl say it’s the level of illness, yiu can hallucinate. But my dad was very matter of fact, he said his brother was singing to him. I hope so , x

  2. Which is more reasonable to believe: this woman is seeing a physical manifestation of a spiritual entity, for which we have no evidence that it exists, or she is dying and her old and dying brain is experiencing a hallucination? I leave that to the rational thinker to decide…

  3. I’ve clearly seen my cat sitting on my bed , but when I turned on the light she was gone. That cat was dead for 2 years. Did I have a near death experience? Or was i hallucinating.. I’ll never know.

  4. My girlfriend’s grandmother was in the hospital not knowing she was on a lot of medication at the time. Was telling us that her daughter who had passed away as a child was visiting her & that all of her sisters were there to see her, but we couldn’t see anything. Her grandmother said they were singing to her & welcoming her to there home, but when we gave her water & something to eat she was saying they had to go & that they’ll see her soon. My girlfriend’s grandmother is always telling us to be kind to one another & always keep good spirits within ourselves.

  5. Ghosts are not real. So why is the grandmother saying that she can see a little girl on the left hand side of her bed? Does it mean that she really does have a visitor from the other side even? 🤔 👻

  6. As a nurse, this is completely normal. The same ones who see us come into the world sees us out. It wasn't until I became a nurse I learned that death isn't the end. We never die alone.

  7. I had the same incident when I was in hospital for 4 days while getting my appendix removed and I was like the medicine was possessing me and I started to see three kites in the air flying around which I think my soul was trying to escape my body

  8. I try to live my life grounded as much as possible. I believe in science and logic but I have encountered instances where I can't explain it. For example when my 81 year old grandfather was really really ill in the hospital, my dad I went to visit him in the afternoon. After a bit of small talks, he glanced over at the door way and asked what are you doing here? My dad answer that's your grandson he came to visit you. Thinking he was talking about me, however my grandfather said, not him I know who he is silly. I'm talking about your sister. My father's sister lived about 500 miles north of us, and she was battling cancer herself. She passed the night before but we did not tell him because we thought the news would be too much for him. So he kept looking at the doorway and said, you should go home and rest. I don't want you to worry about me, you should be resting. He told me dad, ask your sister to go home and rest. So after a few times he spoke up and asked her to leave. He must have seen her go because he looked over at my dad and said she is a great kid but I don't want her to travel all this way to come see me in her condition. My grandfather passed away the next day.

  9. When I first started college I thought I wanted to go to med school and was a nurse tech. In a year and half I seen this several times. It is strange and interesting.

  10. When my Grandfather was dying from cancer he said that his deceased father,mother and son were there waiting for him. Prior to that he continually talked about roundups that he went through during his lifetime. He also said that the gates of heaven had opened up. My Mother a couple of days before she passed asked me who a little girl was that had just been in the room with her. It was just her and myself. When i asked her what little girl,she said nevermind. The night she passed she wanted to be changed. I thought she needed a bathroom change, she just wanted her pjs changed. She passed a few hours later. I miss her dearly.

  11. It's pretty normal for people who are passing over to the other side to see spirits. It's quite common. Very very common. Nobody talks about it

  12. Right before my mother passed, she said she kept seeing 'little floating balls of all different colors and certain ones stayed with her or kept coming back'. She was describing orbs.

  13. When my mom was passing she saw a lot of people that passed she wasn't alll there at that point so she didn't understand thqt we couldnt see who she saw. A few days later she passed. I guess whoever she saw was coming to take her up the stairway to heaven 😢

  14. My late hubby use to tell me, "I see children playing around me n they are calling me. I told them to carry on n he's not coming along". I gathered it was his time was coming but pretended to listen to him every other day.

    He has passed on early January 2021.
    Lately, my brother passed on. So hearybreaking but life has to go on.

    Lets love n care for those around us always.

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