Locked there all her life, the cancer dog burst into tears when she had a blanket

Locked there all her life, the cancer dog burst into tears when she had a blanket
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We received a call from a neighbor of the dog named Angela and when we arrived, everything was beyond our imagination.
We got her out of there and quickly took her to the veterinary hospital for treatment, challenges and difficulties appeared but we did not give up, especially Angela is a brave girl, she overcame it so she could start a new, good life.

👉 Rescue team: Animal Defenders Panama
🤝 Support at Yappy: @defensoresanimalespty
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About the Author: Animal Shelter


  1. Mettete il viso del bastardo, altro che denuncia . Cinque minuti tra le mani e rinchiuderlo nella cesta del povero cucciolo e fargli soffrire tutte le pene che ha inflitto. Brutto verme senza darle da mangiare. Che cavolo l'ha preso a fare un cane se poi devi farlo soffrire. Ti auguro le peggiori cose nella tua miserabile inutile vita.che il karma ti sopraggiunga presto.

  2. Panama needs animal protection education and laws! This beautiful puppy, so weak but finding strength to live. Well done all who gave their love to this poor defenceless creature. 🇬🇧❤️

  3. Dios te bendiga siempre mi amor ❤ te cures deseo que Dios te cure todo y tengas una vida maravillosa ❤❤❤❤❤ llena de amor gracias a vos por haberla salvado ❤❤❤❤te quiero mucho amiga 😊

  4. Como não chorar? Tanto medo e dor em seus olhinhos….porque causar tanto sofrimento a um ser tão inocente?? Mas dou Graças por esse recomeço …que seja uma nova vida de mt amor, saude ,paz…para sempre….❤

  5. 😭😭😭she would never run away ; she was to stressed and fear ; how they hurt her ; 😭😭😭😭😭😭
    U all are angels ; she got a new life with u❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

  6. 😢😢😢😭😭😭😭😭😭 a pessoa que fez isso com ela tem que pagar !😡🤬🤬 o tumor foi causado pelos maus, pessimos tratos com ela, a mantendo presa daquela forma! Um absurdo! Tadinha!❤❤❤❤ que Deus possa fazer com esses protetores anjos, um milagre.

  7. Cuánta tristeza Dios mío. Porqué hay gente tan mala? No paro de llorar. Dios quiera que suceda el milagro de que pueda vencer esa cruel enfermedad. Gracias por amarla tanto ,por cuidarla . Gracias por haberla rescatado del infierno. Deberían encarcelar a la persona que tanto la hizo sufrir

  8. Seeing this video and knowing there are more helpless animals out there that are suffering so tears a giant hole in my soul. Thank you for ALL that you do for animals. They are certainly God’s precious gifts to us to love and nurture. This is also the very first video I’ve seen that states that the owner was reported and I truly appreciate that!!!! This should ALWAYS be the case. These creatures are precious and helpless and they depend on us and they absolutely deserve the best of life and all of the love we can give! I pray sweet Angels is getting better and better each and every day! Thank you! May God bless you always ❤️🙏🏻🕊️

  9. A beautiful baby who deserves the best possible. Thanks for giving her a good loving care. Find the owner and lock them up for ever! Bless you baby! 😊😊❤❤🙏🙏🐶🐶

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