Near-Death Experiences: The Evidence

Near-Death Experiences: The Evidence
Spread The Viralist

What’s the evidence Near-Death Experiences really happen? And what do they prove? In this interview, I talk with Dr. J. Steve Miller about his book Near-Death Experiences As Evidences for the Existence of God and Heaven.

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About the Author: Sean McDowell


  1. Do you know how exasperating it is to have a NDE and you can't talk about it. Mine was real and had a life changing experience. I have a wonderful testimony from it and can't share it. Where does faith come into it. 45 years later and it's still real and spiritual.

  2. I had a best friend that I had to rush him to hospital he had blood clot his heart stop and they bought him back 3 times I was there he loved his Mom who was in Heaven and he looked and me said I got to see my Mom and I want to be with her and he told me goodbye and had such a a peaceful look when he left

  3. My brother died when he was 3 yrs old and before he went into surgery he wanted to go visit the other sick kids to let them know the angels told him that everything is going to be ok and to not be scared. He died during surgery. We didn’t grow up in a household where that was talked about. I have a friend who overdosed and had to be resuscitated twice because she left her body twice. She just saw her above her body and felt peace.

  4. The interesting question is how often NDE "predictions" or "supernatural information" can be matched with reality vs how often those experiences have incorrect predictions or imaginary information that's later found false? To claim that you have statistical evidence, you would need to have at least some evidence that the sample is not biased. Note that most people that have NDE that is later found totally incorrect/false rarely speak about those experiences widely so it's really hard to get correct information.

    It seems to me that the sample discussed here is heavily biased towards people that believe that NDE happens because of their religion. And unsurprisingly if you mostly include such experiences and leave out any experiences that don't support your viewpoint, the results of these "statistics" support the beliefs.

  5. You’re using the story ‘heaven is for real ‘ ? I realize this video is old but you do know that kid came out eventually and said he made the whole thing up right?

  6. Non-lawyers love to educate everyone in Comments sections, that eyewitness testimony is the least-reliable form of evidence or testimony. What these non-lawyers don't know is that the one thing that any experienced attorney would like to have on their side is a CREDIBLE EYEWITNESS. Credibility is always the question. And yes – eyewitness testimony is a form of proof. The only salient question is how much weight the fact-finder (lawyer or jury) will give that evidence. Just because a person can lie, doesn't mean they are lying.

  7. Interesting to me that near death experiences always align with the religion one was indoctrinated to. That suggests the brain is involved. A brain starved of oxygen. It takes 6 minutes for the brain to die and if they brought the victim back the brain did not die so is functioning. Though the function would be a dream state. These visions would be universally the same regardless of the religion if it was an otherworldly experience.

  8. I can’t speak about DMT, but I can tell you lsd and Ketamine is nothing at all like an out of body experience, in my experience. And I don’t know anyone who’s had reaction that sound remotely like an NDE or OBE.

  9. It was a totally average day, I was standing in the kitchen, doing the dishes when this sudden wave of grief swept over me and I started uncontrollably crying. I was crying so hard that I couldn’t stand and had to brace myself on the counter. I’m not usually someone that cries and to cry that hard would typically mean that someone had died. It was totally unexplainable to me and I wondered what I could be so upset about, but I couldn’t think of anything.

    Well, my cousin called me the next day or so and told me our friend was missing and that he was thinking of traveling up there to join the search parties. He didn’t get a change to, because the search did find our friend’s body in the water. He had jumped from a bridge the same day I had my crying experience. I don’t have an explanation for what happened, but I believe it’s somehow linked.
    I pray God had mercy on my friend’s soul, I know he was hurting.

  10. My father an atheist, died several times on the table. He was screaming " don't let me die, the devil is real " he was begging the doctors & nurses! h His memories of hell were horrific and his screaming nightmares afterwards were just as horrible.

  11. I experienced a spirit right before I found my wife on the floor in the bedroom it entered me scared away what I assume as two other spirits out of my mind that I thought was me talking to myself in my head , I was frozen and shocked for a couple of minutes then when in to tell my wife and she had passed away .
    Not sure if this is a form of NDE or if it’s happened to others

  12. I've spoken with people who self-apply the term atheist. They know I'm a Christian, and it really bothers them. I've found them to be willfully ignorant. They're usually not very well read. They lack a broad base of knowledge. They typically only consider sources that confirm their conclusion (which isn't hard to do). Any reasonable evidence you you present to them that contradicts their naturalistic worldview, is summarily disregarded. They're unusually immune to well reasoned criticism of their ideas. They KNOW that ALL Christians are idiots who believe in their "invisible sky daddy." They WANT to believe that naturalist/soulless/materialist fantasy world is true, because it allows them to do whatever they can getaway with, without fear of any long-term or afterlife consequences. There thinking usually shallow, smug, and unreasonable. They'll never admitt to flaws in their reasoning or evidence. And if you call them out on any of this they always, and I mean always, resort to ad hominem attacks or arguments based on ridicule (e.g. you're so close minded).

  13. Everytime I've been under mild sedation (propofol) for a diagnostice test or for a cortisone injection for a herniated low back disc I was completely unconscious. In other words, I was not dreaming when I was under. Again, this was light sedation, not full anesthesia for a difficult surgical procedure which would be even deeper. My point is that if others undergoing surgery react similiarly, there can be no chance they will dream during the procedure. My conclusion is that something else must be going on. The release of brain chemicals at death should not be enough to allow a person under anesthesia to think, dream or contemplate anything. So what is causing someone to see themselves and the details in the room around them?

  14. PS. Paul was referring to John, who we know now actually did “visit” the third heaven in order to write his revelation, which he wrote fairly early in the Acts period; just because his book is placed at the end of the canon doesn’t mean it was written last! That’s a grave mistake that can cause Bible readers to misapply the information in it (which was all cancelled when Israel was let go permanently by God in Acts 28:28-31 KJV for rejecting their Messiah/Bridegroom, his Son, Jesus Christ).

  15. All of the NDE phenomena can be explained by the fact that everyone is born demon possessed due to the fact that Satan literally owns us along with the earth itself as the result of the fall of Adam and Eve. Our ancestrally inherited demons have an extensive knowledge of our family history, our own past and because they reside in our minds they know our every thought and feeling! Demons are invisible and supernatural and they can form a network with other demons that can span thousands of miles and this is the explanation of why the late Padre Pio (who played with orbs of light in his crib as an infant) has been reported to be in two far apart places at once! Demons can use a relay system to send images or other information to each other from many miles away and this explains experiencers knowing things they could not have known or hearing conversations that happened while they were incapacitated and unresponsive. I’m not sure if their demons download images and conversations into a part of the consciousness that is always active even under anesthesia or if when the victim comes back to full consciousness perhaps the demons insert the desired memory images into their mind, causing the victim to believe the images are their own memories!

    I think you get the idea but you won’t believe me even though I have experienced my demons (until I trusted Christ and received the Holy Spirit to evict them) and I have read and watched hundreds of NDE accounts, and I have personally corresponded with several experiencers , because my answer to NDEs is no fun and most people would bristle at the idea that they have demons possessing them. The unifying factor is that the victims are not saved believers in Jesus Christ (although some claim to be Christians but have never trusted him completely; i.e., they believe they can lose their salvation for various reasons and that would indicate that they had never really trusted Christ!)

    It’s very sad and disturbing that two guys as intelligent as you two are obviously have fallen for one of the most blatant and obvious satanic deceptions there is, not to mention that you’re both working PR for them! God is not going to give private revelation to anyone today because if he did, the rest of us would have a valid argument in the judgment. The fact that many NDE experiencers come away with psychic or paranormal abilities is a red flag that evil beings are involved! Seeing dead relatives is a joke because the dead “know not anything” until they are reanimated when Christ returns.

    I guess your books would be disappointingly short and wouldn’t sell as well if you allowed your intellect to consider my very informed hypothesis!

  16. Two questions I have from all of the NDE I have heard. Doesn’t it correspond to scripture? If this happens to anyone believer or not saved or not, then it does not line up with scripture therefore… could it be “ satan appearing as an angel of light” so to speak, to deceive the living?

  17. I had an experience like this when I had knee surgery. It was a timeless experience beyond words. The most pure love, unity and timeless/infinite moment that changed my life forever. Ever time I encounter someone, including animals, in my life now I feel like I’m linked. Drawn almost magnetically, and the vision comes back to my mind & heart. I knew during that moment with God that my life would be spent helping. It hurts when I can’t help, but I also know it’s ok and I can be patient. I was always in a hurry until this happened to me, but now I can be here with peace of mind knowing something no, more feelings with my heart and soul that life here is a gift and loving/being with others is enough for one day I’ll return when the time is right.🙏

  18. The internet is full of NDE stories. I've yet to hear of one that sounded like there was a real encounter with the God of Isaiah and the Jesus of the Gospels. Why peddle in this stuff, Dr. McDowell?

  19. Not also that it was so vivid, but that you can think back on the events leading up to it, it has a history and logical connection from time past to present .. moments before and days before

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