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About the Author: Fredo on TV


  1. It's the craziest thing. I read a fictional series that implies that multiple Lexicons are real and that when the world wars is because the gods set them up for it. Obviously, I said fictional so I'm not saying I believe it but it did get my gears turning 😂

  2. oh dam, well I got that wrong, atleast it wasn't in a populated area, I've been trying to change a few things that have been manipulated by the govs geo engineering of the world's weather, and the other storms created by alien intervention. they do work with the gov you know.

  3. Also, being from Colorado, therefore being raised that we don't have tonados because the mountains break ip the tornado spin…..yeah we have those now lol BUT NEVER have I seen one go right over a mountain while touching down seemingly…..

  4. So they had a small tornado or twister off the side of the mountain, and the net calls a slide of snow that would have come down with a rifle shop. And now that's the entire world is going to burn up. And we're going to burn up, and we're going to Drown in the ocean.

  5. Cant really see an avalanche. Know its ment to be funny but….if you can cause am avalanche by making loud noises i dont see how a tornado on a mountaintop causing an avalanche would be considered weird.

    Think its kinda cool tbh

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