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About the Author: Kelsi Davies


  1. What we call a reality is a software, and the software desiner may send an Antivirus🛡️⚔️to protect his sofware.

    …but there is a level to which an application becomes so corrupted with a virus👽 & malware👹the owner and creator of the operating system decides only to delete the application because it has rejected his protection programme🛡️⚔️.

    A corrupted software is often never aware it's corrupted or a faulty programme, be carful the doors🚪you open.

  2. i splash case less okay she is a sphere box jail let's chew if there are any ghosts here can you talk to graff less snow way now that's let's check if there are any ghosts here can you talk to us goes to make a noise prove to us that you're here aa♡hhhhahahhahahhahahahahhahahhahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAA AHAHAHAHHAHAAHHHAHA

  3. could you drop a video about how you deal w your gifted mediumship, and how you navigated it through the early stages of actually embracing your gift? i could really use some advice for myself. i have lots of scary, and unexplainable stories

  4. my mom has this whole theory about how energy cannot be created or destroyed, so where does our energy go into the ground? She thinks it floats around and I kind of ghost like form. Ever since I was little, I’ve seen an entity in my house. I didn’t know how to describe it, but I’ve always seen it. I’ve had nightmares about it and sleep paralysis every single person in this house has something wrong about their sleep I’ve had really bad sleep paralysis. My dad grinds his teeth and sometimes hurts himself and asleep by accident, my brother recently got really sick and unable to sleep a full 24 hours and his clock keeps rotating for his sleep schedule and my mom has never been able to sleep and I always see this figure either approach me in my sleep paralysis or right when I get out the bathroom peeking out of a door frame or when I look over the stairs it’s right near the front door and it’s always been friendly. It’s never hurt me and I think it’s looking out for me but I’m moving now and I want to know how I can communicate with the spirits in my new house, and thank them for protecting me, unlike this man in my old house. I want to know how I can protect myself as well from spirits in my new house that might not be safe because I have no idea what I’m walking into if you guys could help. Thank you so much.

  5. Once i was in an old house that people say might be haunted. We were in the basement and I was in the room next to it which was the bar. I felt something behind me and i figured it was my mom. But then i turned around and she was leaving..

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