He was mistreated, he is so aggressive, he growls constantly in pain…until he know how is love!

He was mistreated, he is so aggressive, he growls constantly in pain...until he know how is love!
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He was mistreated, he is so aggressive, he growls constantly in pain…until he know how is love!

Help more Animal click here: https://bit.ly/2V6WWre

Special thanks to: Cathi Perez

If there are any copyright issues with any videos posted here i will remove them. please contact my email: jamesruddypp@gmail.com
Thank you for watching!

#animalrescue, #rescuedog


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About the Author: Animal Rescue


  1. If you misreat your dog or cat they won't be able to trust people ever again in the first place you don't deserve to own a dog or a cat so now the pets have to be rehabilitated to where they can trust people again remember animals are like people they have feelings to

  2. I am heartbroken, one after the other. Are humans really so unkind..it's a world wide thing! I live in Trinidad & I feel helpless. Humans get your act together these helpless babies don't deserve this hatred!
    Thank you to those around the world who help in different ways!

  3. ээто.звер.хишник.с звериным.инстинктом.вот..он.рычить.икусаеться.показываеть

  4. What you've accomplished just up to this point is truly amazing. Your a good person who deserves as much in retun as you give. Know that I wish the little guywell.

  5. LOVE always wins ….he probably is feeling love for the first time. I've had 3 abused dogs over the yrs. and patience and love win out always. I'm happy that even tho they are gone…I gave them love til the end and they didn't die alone

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