Tiny Kitten Cried Bitterly in The Rain, Cold, Shrinking for Protect Herself, No one Helps Him

Tiny Kitten Cried Bitterly in The Rain, Cold, Shrinking for Protect Herself, No one Helps Him
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Tiny Kitten Cried Bitterly in The Rain, Cold, Shrinking for Protect Herself, No one Helps Him

Our channel is not monetized, so my videos are not intended for monetization. We want to spread the act of protecting animals to everyone!
Thank you all for watching and watching our channel.

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We are from the animal rescue team. We specialize in rescuing homeless, abused or trapped animals. Surely you are also an animal lover when watching this video of us. We all own a beloved animal, and we all understand the pain of an abandoned animal. Because my country is still poor and backward, so many animals are abandoned. The bad thing about this is that at the moment we can’t provide enough or the food is in short supply, we hope everyone can do a small part to support the animals in need.

thanks everyone!

#rescueanimals #animals #animalscute #catlover #animalprotection


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About the Author: Admin


  1. Hola!!!gente bella…ustedes son los seres que vale la pena bendecir cada día …corazones nobles y hermosos q de rescatan y ayudan con amor a estos lindos y frágiles mischitos… gracias mil por existir…yo los miro y me emociona demasiado … Dios los bendiga siempre ❤❤❤🥺😺

  2. Yes Angel of GOD who cares and love and protect the creatures of GOD. Well done for our Almighty God you will surely be rewarded in one day

  3. How hashin loves you is really touching ❤ you are wonderful people sent from god ❤️❤️ This kitten is truly beautiful and so cuuuuuu😢😢❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

  4. 助けて下さってありがとうございます。心から感謝いたします。優しい貴方に多くの幸がありますように。

  5. How Hashin loves you is really touching❤. You are wonderful people sent from God.🤲🙏🤲💕 This kitten is truly beautiful and so cuuuuuuute. 🤲🙏💕💕 Thank you for saving this little guy. God bless you all 🤲 🙏 💖 🤲

  6. 雨のなか猫の言葉は分かりませんが、きっと助けて、助けてと言っているのでしょう。人には訴えるように聴こえるので、助けてあげたくもなります。小さくて可愛い子猫、優しい人達に出会い幸せな日々が過ごせることは見ていて、嬉しくなりますし、ありがたうって感謝の気持ちにもなります。そして世界中がもっと平和でありますように祈ります。

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