Unbelievable footage. natural disasters caught on camera. Mother Nature Angry

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Most Viral Natural disasters caught on camera! A selection of the most incredible moments ever caught on tape!
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There are some moments in life that are so incredible that nobody would believe it if it weren’t caught on camera. And even though bizarre moments happen every day, it can be very confusing to see them with your own eyes. Today, we’re going to show you of the most unbelievable moments ever caught on camera!

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About the Author: Admin


  1. Why Do We Have to Have Natural Disasters?

    We receive major blows from nature ultimately in order to shake us out of the state where we live according to an egoistic paradigm—with exploitation, manipulation and hatred dwelling in our connections—to a state where we positively connect, as described by the words, “as one man with one heart,” i.e., as a single well-oiled interconnected and interdependent system.

    In other words, if we shared a harmonious and balanced connection to each other on the human level, then the balance at our level would ripple throughout nature and we would experience nature harmoniously and peacefully, and natural disasters, as we call them, would become a thing of the past.

    We would be wise to pay attention to the future states that we can achieve out of such blows: that the blows come to shake us out of our current dreamlike state in our egoistic attitudes to each other, and wake us up into an opposite harmonious and peaceful world.

    In fact, we live in a world that is all good, and only we human beings give the world a negative form in our egoistic attitudes to each other. The time is nearing when we will awaken to the need to stop relating to each other through egoistic lenses—where we each prioritize self-benefit at others’ expense—and instead relate patiently to each other with positive, kind and caring attitudes.

    If we made such a switch, we would bear witness to a good life, the likes of which we have never before experienced. We should thus try to reach such relations as quickly as possible.

  2. Turn back to GOD ALMIGHTY today, GOD has made away for all of

    mankind to return to Him through His Son Jesus. REPENT turn your

    face back to GOD through putting all your faith and trust in the Son

    of GOD whom GOD sent. Seek the Lord Jesus Christ for remission

    of sins, believe with all of your heart in the life, death & resurrection

    of Jesus, believe in the Gospel of Salvation, for we are all sinners who

    need to be saved, by the blood of Christ who shed His blood for us all

    I say this out of love not hate so please repent. 🕊🙏❤ REPENT

    Seek the Lord Jesus today for remission of believe in the Gospel of the

    coming Kingdom of our Lord God be born again in Christ and be saved.

    This is the Gospel of Christ: John 3:16…….. Ephesians 2:8-9, Colossians

    1:14-17, Matthew 4:17, John 14:6, 1 Corinthians 15:1-4, Romans 10:8-10

    Acts 2:38 John 14:15-16 then take up your cross & follow Jesus & keep

    His Commands. Matthew 22:37-40 GOD bless all who read these words.


  3. I have commented 2 years and I still confirm that I solved the global warming problem.
    From what I have researched and analyzed The violence is increasing than it has been every year.
    UN approves me to solve global warming problem, I will fix the problem ASAP. There is enough information I have to prove to everyone that scientific approaches and solutions to global warming can be restored to normal.

  4. Isaiah 45:17
    “I YAHUAH form the light, and create darkness I YAHUAH make peace, and create evil I YAHUAH El Shaddai do all these things.

    All praises to the Most High YAHUAH El Shaddai the Israelites 🎉Elohiym. 🥂

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