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About the Author: uppernycghost


  1. they should not allow bicycles in the streets of n.y.c they have no respect for drivers,really they all suck😅😅😅😅

  2. Driver is right. Maybe there's no bike lane, but there's still no fucking reason for the bike to stay on the far left.

  3. Should've opened passenger door when bike douche came back around. Got drug him to the side of road and continued on. Those roads are from taxes cars not pussy bicycles

  4. They are both wrong tbh, I bike and I try to always use the lanes but some people really gotta move and if it means being in the street with cars 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️

  5. Car is right and Dumbo is also cycling trough red! Card river is right. Also drove trough red and will also cry the hardest as he gets hit by a car!

  6. You should cycle further out from the kerb that way they see you better and they don't cut you up as much, even if they toot their horns.

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