Left lane losers make US highways dangerous

Left lane losers make US highways dangerous
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See how left lane losers and idiotic lane discipline make highways in the United States dangerous and inefficient. When it’s hard for a car guy to enjoy driving a 1997 Dodge Viper, there is definitely something wrong with our roadways. Instagram @caseyputsch https://www.instagram.com/caseyputsch
(I would like to point out that I was using the turn signal at all times as I normally do. The Viper signal is very easy to hit with one finger and also hold in the on position silently before the click)

Casey’s episodes are for entertainment purposes only and are not meant as or to take the place of professional guidance, counseling, or education.


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About the Author: Casey the Car Guy


  1. It’s kind of funny, I’ve definitely noticed that ever since I got my 05 WRX STi that people stopped left lane hogging in front of me. My car isn’t as dramatic as the viper but it’s noticeable.

    I had actually always been taught to stay in the right lane if possible, but on the interstate I tend to stick in the left hand lane more often than not. This video will influence how I drive tomorrow.

  2. I drive thousands of miles up and down 75 every year. At least 50% of the time the left lane hog is driving a Jeep. I know Jeeps aren't known for their high performance, but a large portion of their drivers just love hanging out in the left lane doing 10 under the speed limit, so it's funny that you mentioned Jeeps a couple of times.

    This gave me flashbacks to a Phil Hendrie episode where his "guest" was demonstrating how to "train" left lane losers by leaning on the horn and flashing the high beams until the driver moved over, and if they didn't he would run them off the road. I'm going to have to listen to that one again. 😄

  3. Entitled assholes. I had to deal with this for 40 miles last night. I purposely drove right behind said entitled asshole with my high beams on while countless cars passed by on the right. Entitled asshole would not merge right for over 40 miles.

  4. The Million Dollar question is. If i am driving respectfullly, reasonably, following the law. Why is the need for you to pass me???. My though process say that you have a heavier foot on than me

  5. This is a good video for me so i know how driving works "outise of LA". In LA lane discipline is weird, you cant go too much to the left because a highway or freeway merge may be there, so really you drive in the lane that matches your destination. Need to get off in 2-4 miles? Stay on the two rightmost lanes and be very vigilant on traffic. Wont leave the freeway for 10 miles? Stay on the 2 leftmost lanes. Now is your freway splitting? Good luck! Better know which lane you need to take lol

  6. Is passing on the right not illegal in Ohio? Also, you are clearly speeding in this video. Not a ton, but you don't pass that many people when you are going the speed limit.

  7. Not all speedometers read correctly, and there are many different reasons as to why, one of which is because the government allows manufacturers a margin of error when it comes to speedometer accuracy. The entire point of the left lane was to compensate for this, which is why you're allowed to drive a little over the speed limit in order to pass someone. The caveat is that you're meant to get back over immediately, because the left lane also acts as an emergency lane for responders.

    Instead, we get left lane travelers, and those that use the left lane as an excuse to go 20+ over the speed limit because "I'm passing people." Both are complete idiots, and both are equally dangerous.

  8. Great to make people aware about how their driving style can be unsafe and annoy others and to help to make it safier. Thanks.
    In Belgium, drives are little bit more disciplined.
    But some seem to think that left is for high speed, middle is normal speed and right lane is for trucks. Some put themselves in the middle lane and whatever the traffic, they stick there… like zombies.
    OTOH, it is a traffic offence to pass a car from the right (unless there is a traffic jam).

  9. I always go 20 over in the leftmost lane to pass everyone and everything in sight, and then switch back to the slow lane to exit.

  10. As an European, the left lane being for passing is a given. But in addition to that, undertaking/passing on the right is also not legal here.

  11. Whoever is watching this, pay attention. You will notice that he is literally breaking every single rule the moment he makes the rule up. His complete lack of self-awareness is alarming and watching this video has provided me with candid insights on how reckless drivers think and behave while they are commuting. Sometimes drivers are elderly, disabled, or inexperienced. We all have to share the same road together.

  12. The issue is people think the "fast" lane is for speeding. The fast lane is for doing the maximum posted speed limit and the other lane(s) are for going the minimum posted speed limit. Example is a highway I drive where the maximum speed limit is 80 and the minimum is 65. So in the left lane all vehicles should be going no faster than 80 and in the right lane the vehicles should be going no less than 65. I see it way too often that people use the left lane for speeding and will tailgate people who are driving the maximum posted speed limit. People I have asked about this also say that the left lane is the fast lane and they assume that means you can speed. Bottom line 99 percent of people are morons and shouldn't have a license to drive period.

  13. I think biggest issue i have with other drivers i their lack of sitational awareness combined with slow ass driving not letting anyone pass. Or people that wait with acceleration on green light so only a few is let pass until light is red for all behind. And lmao the wankers just sitting in front of the round about not daring to drive inside blocking traffic through the whole city i live in every day in rush our its crasy, the roundabouts is chaos every day XD

  14. I understand the point and generally agree, but truth is that in the right lane you have to constantly worry about someone trying to illegally pass you at high speed on the service lane. The middle lane is also problematic because you have to worry about idiots passing you at high speed on either side at any time. In the left lane, you generally don't have to worry about anyone illegally passing you on the left.

  15. Left lane is the passing lane. Not the "fast" lane. You speed up only to pass. Then you adjust your speed once the pass is completed, and return the center or right lane. The problem is that people stay in the left lane cause they think once in this lane it's OK to speed.

  16. Best way to fix is to eliminate the maximum speed limit and institute a minimum speed limit for each lane staggering by +5 each across each lane to the left.

    A lot of reasons why the left lane gets clogged is they want to pass, but are trying to constrain themselves within a reasonable speed over the speed limit. Because no one is not already driving the speed limit so they have to break the law in order to pass traffic, so you get stupid drivers, because the laws are stupid. Get rid of the speed limit, and institute a speed minimum, and that would clear it right up.

    Efficiency is always safer than safety.

  17. I honestly just stay at 10-20 mph over the speed limit in the left lane until I find someone going 10-20 mph over and I get behind them and stay there keeping 2+ car lengths in between depending on conditions

  18. Thank you for putting to words one of my biggest driving pet peeves. Admittedly, I do a fair amount of cruising on the left lane, my rule of thumb has been to move over as soon as I see a car approach my rear.

    That being said, this video was a great reminder for all of us to be more situationally aware.

  19. Lol this is my inner monologue every time I’m driving but also people who switch lanes every five seconds get in my nerves too. The only time you should do that is if you can safely weave through traffic with ample space between cars

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