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About the Author: SlimKirby


  1. I find it ironic that Herman's Antiques is Jasper's destination in the beginning,seeing as how Herman and Snake had a episode together.

  2. Snake's going downtown!? Gasp, Chief Wiggum actually caught him?!
    Well, Chief Wiggum DOES make Snake and the other convicts write Ralph's reports now, so it makes sense that he has them drive his kid around, too.
    2:45 Talk about a silent Marge-ority! XD

  3. I have a kinda weird connection to The Simpsons, too. I don't really watch The Simpsons that much, so I don't remember the episode. But there's one episode where a bunch of names flash on some screen, and my last name is one of them. And it's not just like "Smith" or something, it's a unique name. The reason it's there is because my parents knew one of the writers I think.

  4. Whaaaaaat? I didn't know his character was said to have gone to your university! That's awesome! Hahaha, you need a poster of that man – a full body poster. Also, I love how he was like "Heh heh, sucker!" to Lisa. XD Love this episodes, Slim. Keep werrrrkin' it, pimp. =]

  5. I forgot that you live in the same state as I do with you mentioning you went to Ball State! XD I also forgot how I had fun playing this game even though I'm not much of a Simpsons person. Going to try to find this again if I can for the GC since I think I rented this a couple of times back when my local Blockbuster was still around (Memories… *sigh*). Hopefully it will turn up one day at Disc Replay or on the off-chance Gamestop.

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